Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan or JATP (pISSN 2089–7693, eISSN 2460–5921) is a quarterly scientific food journal (February, May, August, and November) which is accredited (TERAKREDITASI) by Kemenristekdikti.
This website is an update of JATP previous website: http://jatp.ift.or.id. All archieves untill 2017 were stored at those URL. Starting from 2018, JATP officially migrates to https://ejournal2.undip.ac.id/index.php/jatp
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan aims to expose the results of fundamental and applied research in food and its related fields to scholars, students, and food applicants. The journal covers the fields of application of technology on food, i.e. biotechnology, functional food, food process, health, food related field on agribusiness and agro-technology.
Journal Indexing:
Official Address:
Manuscript Categories 1. Column Article (Artikel Kolom) 2. Letter to Editor (Surat untuk editor) 3. Review Article (Artikel Review) 4. Research Article (Artikel Penelitian) 5. Research Note (Catatan Penelitian)
Keithy Milleani Kho, Yuliana Reni Swasti, Franciscus Sinung Pranata
Aniatun Linafi'ah, Dwi Hudiyanti, Parsaoran Siahaan
Dhanty Amalia Mahardhika, Antonius Hintono Antonius, Bambang Dwiloka
Total 12 citations from 8 documents (Last update: 2021-12-01 06:24:20).
Kiki Fibrianto, Aswin Rizky Wardhana, Laila Yum Wahibah, Eka Shinta Wulandari
Mega Pertiwi, Yoni Atma, Apon Zaenal Mustopa, Rizkia Maisarah
Agustine Susilowati, Yati Maryati, Puspa Dewi N. Lotulung, Aspiyanto Aspiyanto
Friska Citra Agustia, Yovita Puri Subardjo, Gumintang Ratna Ramadhan
Asri Widyasanti, Tri Halimah, Dadan Rohdiana
Friska Citra Agustia, Yovita Puri Subardjo, Gumintang Ratna Ramadhan, Dika Betaditya
Tagor Marsillam Siregar, Clarine Kristanti
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Ahmad Ni'matullah Al-Baarri, PhD. Chief Editor Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences in collaboration with Indonesian Food Technologists®
Nurul Yaqin, STP Phone: 081229229220 Email: redaksi@ift.or.id