Indonesian Journal of Halal (IJH) has p-ISSN: 2623-162x and e-ISSN: 2656-4963. IJH accepts articles that write in Indonesia language and English. IJH has focus publish several topics of halal studies such as Halal Management, Halal Law, Halal Economic Studies. halal products, services, tourism, and Sharia. Other topics can be related to halal products and processes such as; Food Technology, Food Process and Processing, Pharmacy, Cosmetics, Drugs, Slaughtering and Meat as well as matters correlated with halal.
Articles submitted to IJH must be free from plagiarism. This is stated by a statement and proof of search using a plagiarism search engine such as Turnitin. Similarities are allowed with a maximum limitation of 20%
Indonesian Journal of Halal published by Halal Study Center Diponegoro University (Pusat Kajian Halal Universitas Diponegoro) collaborated with Consortium of Halal Central Java /Konsorsium Halal Jawa Tengah. The first edition, IJH was published articles that presented on National Seminar of Safety and Halal that conducted in Semarang Central Java in 2018. Safety and Halal National Seminar is a forum that presented and published articles related to Halal. This event began in 2016 in Semarang. The enactment of Law no. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, needs supporting by Halal Study Center in Universities or Reserach Center. The articles that presented in this event requires a media for publication.Halal Study Center Diponegoro University collaborate with the Central Java Halal Consortium publishes JH. The Halal Consortium itself consists of 5 State Universities and 6 Private Universities in Central Java. The State Universities were joined Diponegoro University, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS), Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), UIN Walisongo, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) Purwokerto. Private universities are members of Central Java Consortium of Halal include Muhammadiyah University Surakarta (USM), Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto (UMP), Muhamadiyah University Semarang (UNIMUS), Pekalongan University (UNIKAL), Semarang University (USM) and Wonosobo University of Science (UNSIQ).
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Asshinaz Noor Fadhilah
Fina Nahdiana
Riana Lady Flara
M. Yusuf K.
Asriyana Asriyana
Annisya Nurul Latif, Marlini Alianita, Wiwit Musaadah, Rahmat Hidayat
Nurjannah Nurjannah, Siradjuddin Siradjuddin, Ahmad Efendi, Muhammad Fadel
miftahul Miftahul Jannah, Malahayatie Malahayatie
Total 1 citations from 1 documents (Last update: 2021-12-01 05:01:46).
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Halal Study Center Diponegoro University
Pusat Kajian Halal Universitas Diponegoro Semarang
UPT Lab Terpadu Lt 3. E-mail:
Jl.Prof. Sudarto SH Tembalang 50275 Semarang Central Java Indonesia
Widayat Prof. Pusat Kajian Halal Universitas Diponegoro Semarang UPT Lab Terpadu Lt 3. E-mail: Jl.Prof. Sudarto SH Tembalang 50275 Semarang Central Java Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Sudarto SH Tembalang Semarang Central Java Indonesia
Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, MSc. PhD Email: