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*Asriyana Asriyana  -  Accounting, YPUP Makassar College of Economics, jl. Andi Tonro 17 Makassar, Indonesia 90322, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesia Journal of Halal under

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Coffeeza Arabica Latimojong is a company that operates in the coffee processing sector and is a small, micro-industry owned by individuals located in Latimojong Village, Enrekang Regency, which has not been certified halal. This research aims to determine the design of the halal guarantee system at Coffeeza Arabica Latimojong as one of the requirements for halal certification. The method used in this research is to carry out inspections of each production process, find critical halal control points in the production process, and establish control, prevention, monitoring, correction, and manual halal assurance systems (SJH) based on HAS 23000. From the results of this study, there are proposals for improvements that can be given to Coffeeza Arabica Latimojong: The company must improve employee training to ensure that they understand and follow halal standards. Information System Development: The company must develop a better information system to support the implementation of HAS, and the company must develop better partnerships with suppliers to ensure that raw materials meet halal standards.

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Subject Coffeeza Arabica Latimojong, Halal, Coffee
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Keywords: Coffeeza Arabica Latimojong, Halal, Coffee

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