JAFT • pISSN 2355-9152 • eISSN 2614-7076 • Member of CrossRef®
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This is ten common mistake in manuscript

The decline will be applied if the article is out of JAFT style of writing. This is the list of common mistakes:

  1. Too many typo/error and mis-spell in the english and latin's name. 
  2. Unstructured abstract. Please make sure auhor has listed introduction and urgency of research, materials, method, results, and conclusion clearly and the conclusion is the answer of the title.
  3. Introduction without explanation in the reseearch urgency (including parameter urgency) and benchmark to other research. 
  4. None of explanation on objective and benefit of research in introduction section
  5. No specification statement of applied main material/equipment in material and method section
  6. Author still use T1, T2, and other code as treatments.
  7. Lack in describing method and no citation
  8. Miss data pointing (miss match between data in text and table).
  9. References too old and without DOI (for journal article) and out of JAFT style. Please use only 10 years back article only and use the original journal name without abbreviation.
  10. Miss match between references and citation.
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