Author Guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted to Journal of Applied Food Technology to editorial office through online submission by assessing the following address:
Author must register as Author. If authors are experiencing problems on the online submission, they can contact editorial office at email: and they may contact to editor using the stated communication in contact as stated at the following URL:
The following documents must be submitted together with the manuscript (as supplementary files):
- A Manuscript with camera ready format under following template (click here to download template)
- A cover letter, outlines the basic findings of the paper and their significance. Author may write note about cover letter in the note at the submission step 1.
- List of Potential Reviewers for your manuscript. Please send the detail by their email and affiliation address.
Reviewing of manuscripts
Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. Decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors within three months of the submission date.
Revision of manuscripts
Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to editorial office through the online submission interface at The revised manuscripts returned later than three months will be considered as new submissions.
General Format for Manuscript
- Submitted manuscript should fulfil the following manuscript writing rules. Please read carefully and follow this guidelines.
- Fonts: Times New Roman 12 point size only for whole text including font in symbol.
- Line spacing should be set at 2 (Double).
- No line space between paragraphs and sections.
- Manuscripts must be used A4 size
- Margins of manuscript is 1.5 cm for whole side
- All pages must be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page as p.1, the text, which begins with p.2, is to be arranged in the following order: abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, acknowledgements, references, figure legends, tables.
- The first page of the full manuscript must begin with the title of the paper centered on the page and Title Case (title case means first letter of each main word capitalized)
- The names of the authors should be written completely with the main author’s name mentioned first, the names and locations of the authors’ affiliations (Title Case), and the e-mail address of the main author. All provided address should be in full address including postal address of each authors.
- The title page must provide the title in English, a short title of not more than 45 characters (including spaces). Subtitles are not encouraged.
The abstract should not exceed 300 words, should be one paragraph and should be free of references and abbreviations. It should indicate clearly the scope and main conclusions of the paper. At the end of abstract, the keyword is required. Please mention five key words starting from general topic. For example: papaya, leaves, proteinase, activity, denaturation.
The introduction should give the pertinent background to the study and should explain why the work was done. Previous experiment is a must to explain the differences between previous and recent study. The purpose and benefit of research should be exist in the last paragraph.
Materials and Methods
The materials and methods should provide essential details, including experimental design and statistical analysis. All applied equipment for measurement and primary materials should be clearly stated including brand names. All methods should be cited using previous experiments. All citation should be placed within paragraph.
Result and Discussion
- The results should present the findings of the research. The paragraph for explaining the results should be free from discussion. Results should be written in the past tense.
- The discussion should written after results and should present the author's results in broader context of other work on the subject interpreting them with a minimum of speculation. This section should be free from table or figure. Table and figure should be written in the end or manuscript.
It should be as brief as possible.
It is highly recommended to use Mendeley reference manager and apply JAFT citation style below. Guidance on how to install the new style:
The list of references appears after the acknowledgement and please give the details information in alphabetical order by the author’s surname. All sources must be referred in a consistent manner. Please provide DOI number if available and follow the style of reference writing as following example:
Journal Article:
Nur Hanani, Z.A., Husna, A.B.A. 2018. Effect of different types and concentrations of emulsifier on the characteristics of kappa-carrageenan films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 114:710-16. DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.03.163.
Sulianti, S.B. 2008. Phytochemical study of Ocimum spp.: chemical components of essential oils of Kemangi and Ruku-Ruku. Berita Biologi 9(3):237-241. (In Bahasa Indonesia).
Rudnitskaya, A., Nieuwoudt, H.H., Muller, N., Legin, A., Toit, M.D., Bauer, F.F. 2010. Instrumental measurement of bitter taste in red wine using an electronic tongue. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 397:3051-3060. DOI:10.1007/ s00216-010-3885-3.
*Note: Please don't abbreviate the journal names.
Book or Book Chapter:
Bashiardes, G., Carry, J.C., Evers, M, Flioche, B., Mignani, S. 2002. Polyhydroxyalkylpyrazine derivatives, their preparation and medicaments comprising them. In: A.P.S.A. (Ed.), United States Patent, vol. US006392042B1 (pp. 1–12). USA, Aventis Pharma S.A.
Conference Paper:
Torrissen, O., Bencze-Rora, A.M., Nortvedt, R., Espe, M., Jorgensen, M., Sorensen, N.K. 2000. Atlantic salmon quality and market responses. In: Program & abstract of the ninth international symposium on nutrition & feeding in fish (p. 75), Miyazaki, Japan.
Abbreviations and Units:
Generally, units must be abbreviated according to the International System of Units (SI units). Below you find examples of abbreviations of the most commonly used SI units:
Meter: m, Kilogram: kg, Second: s, Minute: min, Ampere: A, square meter: m2, cubic meter: m3, Hertz: Hz
Tables, figures & illustrations
- In presenting data, authors should anticipate the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. Large and complex tables, figures and maps should be avoided in the main paper, but can be included in a data appendix for use by reviewers. The caption should be as clear as possible. Full explanation in the caption is allowed.
- Figures should be saved in a neutral data format such as PNG, JPEG, TIFF or EPS. Other format is not allowed. Scanned figures should have a resolution of 300 dpi (halftone) or 600 to 1200 dpi (line drawings) in relation to the reproduction size.
- Any tables and figures that are included in the main text of the paper should be numbered separately, in the sequence that they are mentioned in the text.
- Each table and figure should be presented on a separate page of the manuscript, with a brief and self-explanatory title. All text should be clearly legible, and all graphics and legends should be easily distinguished when printed in black and white. Tables should use horizontal lines only, with only blank space to separate columns.
- Notes under each table and figure should be used to explain and specify the source of all data shown.
File Sizes
Manuscripts will be distributed to reviewers via the Web and maximum file size is 5 MB. Do not scan printed Figures unless no original digital document exists. If a scanned figure is unavoidable, please use Adobe PhotoShop or a similar program to edit the file and reduce the file size (not necessarily the image size) as much as possible before submission. For example, crop the picture to exclude surrounding "white space." Do not carelessly use colour. Black and white line drawings or gray-scale figures should not be saved as color documents; this will increase file sizes without increasing the information content of the file. Do not use colour unless absolutely needed to convey information.
Manuscript file format
The allowed format for manuscript is Microsoft Word format (.DOC or .DOCX). Please double check that the submitted file can be opened properly. PDF file or any other text files is not acceptable.
Please see more detail guidelines and manuscript template thorugh this link.
Copyright Notice
The authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to Journal of Applied Food Technology and Department of Food Technology, Universitas Diponegoro.
Copyright encompasses rights to reproduce and deliver the article in all form and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilms and any other similar reproductions, as well as translations. The reproduction of any part of this journal, its storage in databases and its transmission by any form or media, such as electronic, electrostatic and mechanical copies, photocopies, recordings, magnetic media, etc., will be allowed.
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