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Shelf Life Estimation of Probiotic Peanut Chocolate Jam by Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) Method

*Rafli Zulfa Kamil orcid scopus publons  -  Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Anang Mohamad Legowo  -  Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Filzah Amanina Qatrunnada  -  Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Yuli Perwita Sari  -  Study Program of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agroindustry, Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2024 Journal of Applied Food Technology

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Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in probiotic products that can maintain the balance of microflora in the gut. Peanut chocolate jam has the potential to be developed into a probiotic food product. However, the shelf life of this product has not been determined so it is necessary to determine the shelf life using the Accelerated Shelf Life Testing method. This method uses the Arrhenius approach. Determination of shelf life through the calculation of total lactic acid bacteria, aw value, pH value, and total acid during storage. The storage of probiotic peanut chocolate jam used three temperature treatments: 4 ℃, 30 ℃, and 37 ℃. Observations of samples stored at 4 ℃ were made every 5 days until day 25, while samples at 30 ℃ and 37 ℃ were made every 3 days until day 15. The data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2016 through the presentation of data in the form of a scatter diagram accompanied by a trendline and then described descriptively. The shelf life of probiotic peanut chocolate jam based on best before stored at 4 ℃, 30 ℃, and 37 ℃ were 49.52 days; 10.98 days; and 7.64 days, respectively. The jam can still be consumed up to 255.29 days; 86.73; and 66.89 days but no longer has the benefits of the probiotics.

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Keywords: Arrhenius equation, ASLT, chocolate, probiotic, storage

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