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Effect of Fermentation Time on Chemical, Microbiological and Hedonic Quality of Kombucha of Arabica Coffee Cascara (Coffea arabica L.)

*Adrina Eka Shafira  -  Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Antonius Hintono  -  Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Siti Susanti  -  Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2022 Journal of Applied Food Technology

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This research aims to determine the effect of different fermentation times on the chemical, microbiological and hedonic quality of Kombucha of Arabica Coffee Cascara. The material used in this study is Arabica Coffee Cascara as a raw material for making kombucha with different fermentation treatment. The research method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions. Fermentation time variations carried out are 2, 4, 6 and 8 days. Data from the testing of chemical and microbiological properties were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a 95% confidence level and if there is a real influence then proceed with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Data from the hedonic quality test results were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis nonparametric test with a confidence level of 95% and if there was a real influence, then proceed with the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the different fermentation time of Kombucha of Arabica Coffee Cascara had a significant effect (p <0.05) on total acid, total sugar, total alcohol, total microbes, and hedonic quality of the product. The longer the fermentation lasts, the total acid and total alcohol will increase while the total sugar, total microbes and antioxidant activity will decrease. Kombucha of Arabica Coffee Cascara with 8 days fermentation time is the best treatment product because it meets the quality standards and is preferred by panelists.

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Keywords: Bacteria; cascara; fermentation; kombucha; yeast

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