Indonesian Journal of Oceanography (IJOCE) is published by Department of Oceanography, Universitas Diponegoro.
This journal is Nationally Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education decree No.: 79/E/KPT/2023 on 11 May 2023 by Ministry of National Education, Indonesian. Accredited SINTA 4
The Indonesian Journal of Oceanography is published four times a year in February, May, August and November containing research articles and literature review on Oceanography and Marine aspects in general.
Indonesian Journal of Oceanography (IJOCE) encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all research papers and review on all aspects of oceanography, coastal management, marine science, marine biology, marine conservation, marine ecology, marine microbiology, marine culture, marine geology, air and ocean dynamics, estuary, renewable energy, disaster mitigation, ocean technology, ocean and coastal resources, ocean satellite, ocean remote sensing, other ocean topics.
Indonesian Journal of Oceanography (IJOCE) collaborates with Indonesian Marine Bachelor Association (ISKINDO) to provide quality scientific publications for the development of science and knowledge (MoU is attached)
Amir Yarkhasy Yuliardi, Herlambang Aulia Rahman, Ratna Juita Sari, Diah Ayu Rahmalia, Agung Tri Nugroho, Luhur Moekti Prayogo
Iwan Pramesti Anwar, Agus Setiawan, Sandy H. S. Herho, Aulia Try Atmojo, Faruq Khadami
Khalida Khadija Khairullah, Azis Rifai, Elis Indrayanti
Mhd Rayhan Azra, Agus Anugroho Dwi Suryoputro, Muhammad Helmi
Ferancha Retika, Denny Nugroho Sugianto, Rikha Widiaratih
Doding Akka Damanik, Sugeng Widada, Rikha Widiaratih
Rohmatun Dwi Astuti, Muslim Muslim, Aris Ismanto
Alain Shofia Hanun, Dwi Haryo Ismunarti, Muhammad Helmi
Shofa Ahsani Mukhtar, Gentur Handoyo, Heryoso Setiyono
Irfan Hanifa, Lilik Setiyaningsih, Aunurrahman Aunurrahman
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Oceanography Department Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Diponegoro ijoce@live.undip.ac.id Phone: +62 24 – 7474698 Fax: +62 24 – 7474698 Email: ijoce@live.undip.ac.id
IJOCE Phone: +62 24 – 7474698 Email: ijoce@live.undip.ac.id
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