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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Template of IJOCE article can be downloaded in this link  (here) 



 Articles in the Indonesian Journal of Oceanography are the result of research and literature review on aspects of oceanography, coastal management, marine science, marine biology, marine conservation, marine ecology, marine microbiology, marine culture, marine geology, air and sea dynamics, estuaries, renewable energy, disaster mitigation, marine technology, marine and coastal resources, marine satellites, marine remote sensing, other marine topics. Articles written for the Indonesian Journal of Oceanography are articles that are not currently being submitted to other publications/journals and have not been published in other journals.



All articles published in our journal are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. The publishing of article is FREE.





The title is written short, clear, informative and no more than 12 words (for articles in Indonesian) and no more than 10 words (for articles in English).



The name of the author of the article is listed without an academic degree along with the origin of the institution and the e-mail is placed under the title of the article. Manuscripts written by the team, one of the authors must be listed as the corresponding author.



Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English ± 200 words, and contain concisely and concisely the contents of the article about the objectives, methods and results of the study. Keywords are written between 3-5 syllables.



Contains background, preliminary research, gap analysis and research objectives.



Including the data used, analysis, methods used to solve problems, implementation.



The presentations in the results and discussions are written in a systematic manner, only the results of data/information related to the research objectives; simplify tables and use open tables, and map drawings are more focused on the object under study and do not have too large a file size and are not complicated.


Contains conclusions, implications and suggestions for future studies.



Only references written in the manuscript are written in the Reference List. References are written using Harvard Style.




  1. Articles are typed with single spaces. The beginning of each paragraph is typed indented into five beats.
  2. Articles are written in Indonesian or English that meet the rules of good and correct writing by using the Times New Roman Font.
  3. The length of the writing is between 8 pages to 18 pages.
  4. The title is written in bold, centered in capital letters, font size 14.



  1. Authors are asked to use the Mendeley reference manager or EndNote in making references
  2. References preferably published in the last 10 years.
  3. The reference list is sorted alphabetically and is not numbered.
  4. Writing a reference list using Harvard Style.



Book in the order of writing: Author, year, book title (must be italicized) volume (if any), edition (if any), publisher name and publisher city.

Hutabarat, S. & Evans, S.M., 1985. Pengantar Oseanografi. Penerbit Universitas Indonesia (UI-Press).


Translated Book in the order of writing: original author (first name, middle. (abbreviated), last. (abbreviated)), year of translation, title of translated book (must be italicized), volume (if any), edition (if any), (translated by : the name of the translator), the name of the publisher of the translation and the city of the publisher of the translation.

Gonzales, R., P. 2004, Digital Image Processing (Pemrosesan Citra Digital), Vol. 1, Ed.2,  diterjemahkan oleh Handayani, S., Andri Offset, Yogyakarta.


Articles in Book in the order of writing: Author of the article, year, title of article (must be italicized), name of editor, title of book (must be italicized), volume (if any), edition (if any), name of publisher and city of publisher.

Wyatt, J. C, dan Spiegelhalter, D., 1991,  Field Trials of Medical Decision-Aids: Potential Problems and Solutions,  Clayton, P. (ed.): Proc. 15th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Vol 1, Ed. 2, McGraw Hill Inc, New York.

Libraries in the form of articles in scientific magazines:

Order of writing: Author, year, article title, magazine name (it should be italicized as the official abbreviation), number, volume and pages.

Munasik, M., Wijayanti, D.P., Hartati, R., Pribadi, R. & Nozawa, Y., 2016. Composition of Juvenile Corals on Different Morphotypes of Substrate at Karimunjawa Archipelago, Indonesia. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 21(4):185-190.

Libraries in the form of articles in scientific seminars:

Articles in seminar proceedings in the order of writing: Author, year, article title, Seminar proceedings title (must be italicized), seminar city, seminar date.

Makmur, S., Arfiati, D., Bintoro, G. & Ekawati, A.W. 2014. Komposisi hasil tangkapan dan produksi ikan hampal (Hampala macrolepidota Kuhl & Van Hasselt 1823) di Danau Ranau Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung. Prosiding SEMNASKAN UGM XI, 30 Agustus 2014.PI-18, 665-672.

Source Library from the Internet

Anton, R. 2010. Masyarakat Pesisir dan Sosial Budaya. Diakses pada 07 Juli 2015, dari

Library in the form of Daily Newspaper

Hutabarat, J. 2014, 2 Agustus. Masa Kejayaan Laut Indonesia. Suara Merdeka, hal. 4.


Library in the form of articles from the internet (it is not allowed to cite articles from the internet that do not have the author's name)



References in the text are written by mentioning the last name of the author and the year of publication. Example:
  1. Farhan and Dodi (2010) stated that ... 
  2. The definition of waves is … (Ahmad dan Dandi 2011).
  3. If there are 3 or more authors, the author’s last name should be written add the word “et al.” (Makmur et al., 2014).
  4. Writing multiple references. If the opinion quoted is taken from several references, the reference writing begins with the earlier year. Example: The definition of measurement is … (Hadi 2007; Sobari 2009; Mahfud 2011).



  1. The results of data processing from statistical software are not allowed to be used directly in writing articles, but must be processed first in the form of images, or appropriate tables.
  2. Tables and figures are given information in the form of names and serial numbers (Arabic numerals). The description table is listed above it, while the image is listed below it.
  3. If the table or figure is quoted from a source, the source must be listed at the bottom.



Articles in Microsoft word file are submitted to OJS Indonesian Journal of Oceanography who previously created an account at



  1. Articles that have passed the initial review will be sent to reviewer partners.
  2. The review by reviewer partners is carried out anonymously (blind review). The results of the review by reviewer partners are: Accepted without improvement, or
  3. Accepted with correction by the author, or
  4. Rejected but can be submitted again after basic improvements, or
  5. Rejected.



The editor has a screening policy for plagiarism. All articles in this publication are original: the content (whether in full or in part) in each submitted article will be checked with Turnitin.




Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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