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Jurnal Geosains dan Teknologi (JGT, ISSN 2615-6520, e-ISSN 2620-634X) is a periodic journal published by the Geological Engineering Department of Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia. JGT provides and accommodates publication media for scientific articles in the scope of geoscience and the applied technology. JGT is accredited Grade 3 (S3)by the Ministry of Research and Technology/ National Research and Innovation Agency.

In order to fullfil and commit to the quality of articles, the Jurnal Geosains dan Teknologi has reach an agreement with professional organizations to support each other in terms of scientific publication. The professional organizations are Persatuan Ahli Airtanah Indonesia (PAAI), Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI), Masyarakat Geologi Teknik Indonesia (MGTI), and Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI).

Jurnal Geosains dan Teknologi is indexed by:


Vol 6, No 3 (2023): November 2023

Satrio Muhammad Alif, Ribhan Nafiz Siregar, Yesica Tumim Siburian, Ongky Anggara

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/jgt.6.3.2023.145-154

Anita Galih Ringga Jayanti, Agustina Djafar

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/jgt.6.3.2023.155-161

Syahronidayi Al Ghifari, Yoga Aribowo, Reddy Setyawan

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/jgt.6.3.2023.162-173

Hasria Hasria, Masrandi Resmin, Ali Okto, Masri Masri, Arisona Arisona, Al Firman Al Firman, Harisma Harisma, Rio Irham Mais Cendra Jaya, Sara Septiana, Sawaludin Sawaludin, La Ode M. Iradat Salihin

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/jgt.6.3.2023.174-185

Selvi Misnia Irawati, Andri Yadi Paembonan, Leonardo Fernanda

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/jgt.6.3.2023.186-202

Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Diana Rahmawati, Maria .

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/jgt.6.3.2023.203-214

Total 2 citations from 2 documents (Last update: 2021-12-01 06:34:41).

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Mailing Address

Gedung Teknik Geologi Universitas Diponegoro

jl. Prof. Soedharto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang - 50275

Principal Contact

Anis Kurniasih
Departemen Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Departemen Teknik Geologi

Jl. Prof. Soedharto S.H., Tembalang, Semarang - 50275


Support Contact

Nurakhmi Qadaryati