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Relevansi Living Law Theorie dalam RUU Masyarakat Adat Pada Sistem Negara Hukum Prismatik

*Marzellina Hardiyanti  -  Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto  -  Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

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Objective:this research aims to examine the legal recognition and protection of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia, with a focus on the Draft Law on Indigenous Peoples. The objective is to assess the relevance of this legislative initiative in addressing the issues faced by Indigenous Peoples, particularly concerning Ulayat Rights and the recognition of local wisdom.

Methodology/Approach/Design: the research employs a legal analysis approach, examining constitutional provisions, including Article 18B paragraph (2) and Article 28I paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Additionally, it assesses the Draft Law on Indigenous Peoples, analyzing its potential impact on accommodating the interests of Indigenous Peoples. The prismatic legal state framework is utilized, considering both written legal sources and societal legal practices.

Results and Discussion: the analysis reveals that Indigenous Peoples, especially Customary Law Communities, often face discriminatory treatment. Horizontal and vertical social conflicts, primarily related to Ulayat Rights and the recognition of local wisdom, pose significant challenges. The Draft Law on Indigenous Peoples emerges as a potential solution to address these issues, aligning with the efforts to safeguard community interests.

Practical Implications: the findings suggest practical implications for the development and implementation of the Draft Law on Indigenous Peoples. By recognizing and protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples, the legal framework can contribute to resolving conflicts and ensuring fair treatment for these communities. The practical implications extend to fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

Novelty/Value: this research contributes to the legal discourse by highlighting the relevance of the Draft Law on Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia. The novelty lies in the analysis of how this legislative initiative aligns with the broader legal framework and its potential to address the challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples. The value of this research lies in its insights into the practical implications of such legal measures in promoting social justice and recognition of Indigenous Peoples.

Keywords: Indigenous Peoples. Rule of Law. Prismatic.

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