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Menemukenali Efektivitas Penghapusan Perdagangan Orang dalam Mewujudkan Perlindungan Hukum Untuk Perempuan di Indonesia

*Naufal Hasanuddin Djohan  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Objective:the purpose of this research is to identify the effectiveness of human trafficking eradication efforts in Indonesia in realizing legal protection for women.

Methodology/Approach/Design: this research employs a legal empirical method with a qualitative approach. This method allows researchers to analyze legal issues and social impacts of human trafficking in Indonesia. The research also includes a theoretical review of the concept of human trafficking, including in the context of Simone de Beauvoir's commodification of women.

Results and Discussion: the results of this research indicate that despite regulations such as the Palermo Protocol and Law Number 21 of 2007 on the Eradication of Human Trafficking, approximately 40 million people are still affected by human trafficking in Indonesia, with 60 percent of them being women. Factors such as the commodification of women and patriarchal views of women play a role in this issue. Additionally, the research notes the involvement of technology in human trafficking, as seen on websites like Pornhub.

Practical Implications: this research has practical implications in the efforts to provide effective legal protection for women in Indonesia. By understanding the root issues and evaluating existing laws, this research can help drive changes in legal practices and broader social changes. This is expected to influence society, businesses, and other entities in the fight against human trafficking.

Novelty/Value: this research contributes to revealing issues that may not have been previously uncovered, especially in the context of human trafficking in Indonesia. The value of this research lies in a better understanding of how legal and social aspects can work together to protect women from human trafficking. The success in creating an effective legal system based on Lawrence Mier Friedman's legal system theory is an added value of this research.


Keywords: Human Trafficking. Legal protection. Woman. Patriarchy. Legal System.

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