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Feminis Legal Theory dalam Kerangka Hukum Indonesia

*Triantono Triantono  -  Universitas Tidar, Indonesia

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Objective: this study aims to reveal and explain how feminism critiques the social construction of patriarchy and the importance of feminist legal theory in the Indonesian legal framework.

Methodology/approach/design: study of feminist legal theory in the Indonesian legal framework using juridical-normative methods with a qualitative approach. Literature study was carried out to obtain a focus for in-depth discussion of concepts and theories.

Results: this study leads to the conclusion that feminist currents and movements are basically a response to discrimination and injustice in a patriarchal social structure. Through its various streams, feminism launches criticism and resistance to end all forms of discrimination and injustice in the name of gender where women are the subjects most at risk of experiencing injustice. Feminism is the basic proposition built by feminist legal theory in strengthening criticism and resistance to injustice and discrimination, especially in the legal field. In particular, feminist legal theory champions legal concepts based on women's experiences as a starting point in obtaining justice

Practical Implications: this study has important practical implications in the context of Indonesian law. The study's findings reveal that feminist legal theory plays a key role in critiquing and combating gender discrimination and injustice within the patriarchal social structure. These results provide insight into how feminist legal theory can be applied within the Indonesian legal framework to achieve justice based on women's experiences. This can have a positive impact on the development of more inclusive and gender-sensitive laws and policies in Indonesia.

Novelty/Value: this study contributes to revealing the connection, significance and approach of feminist legal theory in the Indonesian legal framework. The value of this study lies in the new perspective and approach in realizing justice within a legal framework based on women's experiences.


Keywords: Gender Discrimination, Feminism. Feminist Movement. Feminist Schools And Thoughts. Feminist Legal Theory. Indonesian Legal Framework.

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