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Writing format
The script is written in Indonesian, typed on the A4 size paper with 2 cm top and bottom margins, 3 cm left margin and 2 cm right margin, 1 line spacing. The font used is Times New Roman 10.
A. Title
The article's title is concise and straightforward, with no more than 20 words in Indonesian and English. The Indonesian title is written in capital letters and bold. English title is written in capital letters at the beginning of each syllable except for conjunctions, italics, not bold.
1. The author's name is written in full, without abbreviations and without a title (bold)
2. Author's agency is equipped with address (name, street, number, city and postal code, telephone number, facsimile, and email)
3. The name of the author in charge is marked with an asterisk (*)
B. Abstract
Abstract in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 250 words in one paragraph containing the objectives, research methods, research results, and conclusions, written concisely and clearly. Maximum 5 words keywords, arranged in order from specific to general, between one keyword and another keyword separated by a comma. Abstract in English, italicized writing.
C. Introduction
Contains background and objectives supported by relevant and up-to-date references.
D. Materials and Methods
It consists of two sub-chapters, namely 1) materials and tools that are the main focus of research by clearly listing the brand and type, 2) research methods (procedures, experimental design, and data analysis) must be written clearly. If the procedure is standard, then it is enough to only include the source of the library.
E. Results and Discussion
The data should be arranged in an integrated order so that the discussion can be developed clearly. Data can be presented in the form of tables and figures.
1. Table
All tables must be numbered and written on a separate sheet for each table. Tables must be referred to in the text sequentially by table number. Each table is accompanied by a table title that describes the table components. Information in the table is written at the bottom of the table.
2. Figure
The image is formatted as a jpg minimum of 640x480 pixels. Each image is given a title at the bottom of the image. Description/legend on the image, listed after the image title.
F. Conclusion
The conclusion is the answer to the research objectives and not a summary of the results obtained.
G. Acknowledgements
Used to express gratitude to funders and parties (agencies/personnel) who have collaborated or contributed.
H. References
References from journals, magazines, or bulletins are written in the following order: author's name, year of publication, title, name of journal/magazine/bulletin (abbreviated in standard form), volume and number, first to last page. If the next article is published by the same author in the same year, then in the year of publication the letters a, b, c, and so on are added.
References from books are written in the following order: author's name, year of publication, book title, edition, publisher, place of publication, number of pages.
Here are some examples :
1. Journal
Isnansetyo A., I. Istiqomah, Muhtadi, S. Sinansari, R.K. Hernawan, Triyanto & J. Widada. 2009. A potential bacterial biocontrol agent, strain S2V2 against pathogenic marine Vibrio in aquaculture. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 25:1103-1113
2. Book
Bone, Q. & R.H. Moore. 2008. Biology of Fishes. Third Edition. Taylor & Francis. South Carolina, USA. 469 p.
3. Translated book
Gomez, K.A. & A.A. Gomez. 1995. Statistical procedures for agricultural research (Prosedur statistik untuk penelitian pertanian, diterjemahkan oleh E. Samsudin dan J.S. Baharsah). Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta. 689 hal.
4. Proceedings
Wongso, S. 2004. The organic black shrimp project in Indonesia. Proceedings of The Global Technical and Trade Conference 15-17 June 2004 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. INFOFISH: 111-114
5. Book chapter
Book chapter writing with two editors :
Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger III & F. I. M. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory & consciouness (pp. 309-330). Hillsdale, NJ : Erlbaun.
For book chapters that do not have an editor, use the word “In” before the book title.
The method of writing references in the text :
Write only the surname, followed by the year
Example :
Sudaryono (2006) stated .......................
...................... (Sudaryono, 2006)
According to Sudaryono (2006), ..........................
Irawan & Afiati (2006) stated ........................
......................... (Irawan & Afiati, 2006)
According to Irawan & Afiati (2006), .............................
Wang et al. (2008) stated ...............................
........................... (Wang et al., 2008)
According to Wang et al. (2008), ....................................
This is the layout of the script :
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