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Berbagai Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Barotrauma Telinga Tengah pada Penyelam Tradisional ( Studi di Wilayah Balaesang Tanjung Kabupaten Donggala)

*Ishak Martinus  -  Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
Suharyo Hadisaputro  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Munasik Munasik  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Background: Ear barotrauma is a damage to the ear tissue in which the ears are unable to equal the pressure inside the middle ear with the pressure of the external environment. Most of the injuries occur on diving in shallow water--from 1.3 to 5.3 meters, in which the eardrum rupture.

Objective: To describe the influence of host and environmental factors on the incidence of the middle ear barotrauma in traditional divers.

Method: The research was conducted through a cross-sectional study supported by the qualitative approach with in-depth interviews. The population of the study was traditional divers, numbering of 78 respondents. The dependent variable was the incidence of middle ear barotrauma on traditional divers with otoscopic examination. The indpendent variables include the host and environmental factors. The data analysis used were bivariate and multivariate.

Results: The results of the study showed that 32 people (41.0%) of the 78 traditional divers examined for middle ear barotrauma. The logistic regression test results showed that the variables that proved to influence the incidence of middle ear barotrauma were no health education (p = 0.009; PR = 3.920; 95% CI = 1.405 - 10.936), the frequency of dives was often (p = 0.0106; PR = 5.310; 95% CI = 1,619 - 17,413)

Conclusion: The factors that influence the incidence of middle ear barotrauma on the traditional divers are the lack of health education for the divers and frequent diving activity or ≥ 4 days /week, with a probability of 70.72%.

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Keywords: Ear barotrauma; Eardrum; Otoscopy
Funding: PPSDM, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Donggala (Puskemas Malei), Sulawesi Tengah

Article Metrics:

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