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Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika (p-ISSN: 2621-8062 e-ISSN: 2621-9883) is a free and open-access journal published by Department of Geodetic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia.

Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika publishes scientific articles from scholars and experts worldwide related to the geodesy and geomatics. All published articles will have a digital object identifier (DOI).

Articles published in Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika  are articles that have been reviewed by Peer-Reviewers. The decision on the acceptance of a scientific article in this journal shall be the right of the Board of Editors based on recommendations from Peer-Reviewers.

This journal receives manuscripts or articles in engineering from various academics and researchers both nationally and internationally.

Publication schedule: June, and November | more info
Language: English (preferable), Indonesia
APC: No publication or submission fee | more info
Submission: Instruction for authors, Manuscript template
About Journal: Editorial team, Publisher, Contact


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Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika (p-ISSN: 2621-8062 e-ISSN: 2621-9883) has been indexed by: Google Scholar, CrossRef, Dimensions and Garuda.


Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Volume 06 Issue 02 Year 2023

Ahmad Azyumardi Azra

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/elipsoida.2024.20098

Nanda Ayu Setya Pramesthi, Aldea Noor Alina, Fahrul Yahya

| Language: IND | DOI: 10.14710/elipsoida.2024.20102

Delvi Yanti, Fitria Lestari Harahap, Imelda Safitri

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/elipsoida.2024.21834

Total citations from 0 documents (Last update: 2021-12-01 05:53:47).

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Mailing Address

The Old Dean Building (2nd Floor) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geodetic Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Jl Prof Soedarto SH, Tembalang. Semarang, Indonesia, 50275

Principal Contact

Arief Laila Nugraha
Department of Geodetic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

The Old Dean Building (2nd Floor) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geodetic Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Jl Prof Soedarto SH, Tembalang. Semarang, Indonesia, 50275


Phone: 081802403435

Support Contact

Arief Laila Nugraha
Phone: 081802403435