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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts must be submitted using the Online Submission System on the Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika portal ( after registering as an Author in the "Register" section. The author(s) can find the online submission procedures at the end of this guide.

The author(s) shall use the manuscript template provided by Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika as the following address (since Volume 5 Issue 2 Year 2022):

Author submission, as well as article processing and publishing, is free of chargeReaders can read and download any full-text articles free of charge.

General Instructions

Authors who submitted a manuscript to the Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika must follow the instructions below. If the manuscript does not comply with this guide, it will be returned to the author without further review. An out-of-scope article will also be rejected (see Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika focus and scope).

General requirements in writing a Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika manuscript are as follows:


Manuscript should be written in 10 point Times New Roman font single space in A4 paper with double-columns and 3.17 cm left and right margins ; 2.54 cm top and bottom margins. The manuscript can be written in Bahasa or English. Papers are not page numbered and the total pages approximately 8 pages including figures and tables. The information in the table is written above the table, while the title of the figure is written below the figure.  The submission file can also submit in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Manuscript should be written in the following order i.e. Title, Author(s) full name; Author(s) full address; Correspondence author data: phone, fax, and E-mail; Abstract; Key words; IntroductionLiterature Review; Research MethodsResults and DiscussionConclusion and SuggestionAcknowledgmentReferences.

The paper title must include a specific title as informative as possible. Authors should also give a running title, i.e. short title which will be put in the top of each pages of the paper. The title should be written in Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, All Caps.


The full name, full address, phone number, and E-mail address should be written clearly. The Corresponding Author must be marked with a superscript asterisk "*". A superscript asterisk must be written after the name of the Corresponding Author along with the email address.


Abstract should be no more than 200 words, to summarize the principal points of the study and therefore must be meaningful without reference to the body of the paper. It contains short sentences of introduction, methods, important results, conclusion and implications. The abstract does not contain references, figures, tables, abbreviation, or acronym. Abstract must be written in Indonesian and English. Keywords must be written under the abstract text for each language, arranged in alphabetical order and separated by a semicolon with a total of 5 words, which have to be closely related to the research. Abstracts should only be typed in one paragraph and one column format.

The introduction must contain with sufficient background information and problem of the research, some previous literature studies (state of the art) as a solution for statements of hypotheses and the purpose of the research. The problems based on factual data and must have literature sources.


The author(s) has to describe the sufficient information about the material and methodology. The materials listed are in the form of the main materials only. This section contains an explanation of the method without loading a chart or flow chart.It should be stated clearly and completely.


Results and discussion contain the results of research findings, their scientific discussions and should not be separated. State the obtained results based on the research methods. Discussion can be done by comparing results/data reported with other research results previously published, data fileds and etc. Unit of measurements following the international systems.


Conclusion and suggestion contain the results of the research carried out clearly and suggestions for research development. The conclusion does not contain an iteration of the results and discussion, but rather a summary of the findings as expected in the goal or hypothesis.


In this section, author(s) should mention funder, the grant source (Institution as well as year of the contract) and the person to whom the grant was given. Acknowledgement should also be given to those (individual/company/institution) who has contributed especially in establishing research design, acquisition of data, or who was helped carry out the research.

All reference that mentioned should be written down in reference and arranged alphabetically from oldest to newest and from A to Z. The order of writing references is the author's name, year of publication, title or source. The name of the journal, the name of the conference, the proceedings and the title of the book must be written in italics and each first letter of the title, which is not a conjunction or an article, is capitalized. List the references used in the main paper. Do not include references that have never been used as a reference in writing the manuscript. If there are more than three authors use the main author's name and 'et al’ to refer to other writings under the same reference, for example, (Forza et al., 1990; Holmes and Mallick, 2003) at the end of the sentence, or Mallian ( 2006) states the following sentence.

Example :

Reference to a journal publication :

Holmes, C.C., and Mallick, B.K., 2003. Generalized Nonlinear Modeling with Multivariate Free-Knot Regression Spline, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 98, No. 462, pp. 352-365.

Popkewitz, T.S. 1994.Profesionalization in  teaching and teacher education : some notes on its history, idiology, and potential, Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 10 (10) 1-14

Reference to a book :

Castleman, K. R., 2004, Digital Image Processing, Vol. 1, Ed.2,  Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Gonzales, R., P. 2004, Digital Image Processing (Pemrosesan Citra Digital), Vol. 1, Ed.2,  diterjemahkan oleh Handayani, S., Andri Offset, Yogyakarta.

Reference Articles in Books :

Wyatt, J. C, dan Spiegelhalter, D., 1991,  Field Trials of Medical Decision-Aids: Potential Problems and Solutions,  Clayton, P. (ed.): Proc. 15th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Vol 1, Ed. 2, McGraw Hill Inc, New York.

Reference in proceeding :

Wyatt, J. C, Spiegelhalter, D, 2008, Field Trials of Medical Decision-Aids: Potential Problems and Solutions, Proceeding of  15th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington, May 3.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format. The template file can be downloaded using this link.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Starting from 2021, the author(s) whose article is published in the Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika attain the copyright for their article and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. By submitting the manuscript to Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika, the author(s) agree with this policy. No special document approval is required.

The author(s) guarantee that:

  • their article is original, written by the mentioned author(s),
  • has never been published before,
  • does not contain statements that violate the law, and
  • does not violate the rights of others, is subject to copyright held exclusively by the author(s), is free from the rights of third parties, and the necessary written permission to quote from other sources has been obtained by the author(s).

The author(s) retain all rights to the published work, such as (but not limited to) the following rights:

  • Copyright and other proprietary rights related to the article, such as patents,
  • The right to use the substance of the article in its own future works, including lectures and books,
  • The right to reproduce the article for its own purposes,
  • The right to archive all versions of the article in any repository, and
  • The right to enter into separate additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of published versions of the article (for example, posting them to institutional repositories or publishing them in a book), acknowledging its initial publication in this journal (Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika).

Suppose the article was prepared jointly by more than one author. Each author submitting the manuscript warrants that all co-authors have given their permission to agree to copyright and license notices (agreements) on their behalf and notify co-authors of the terms of this policy. Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika will not be held responsible for anything arising because of the writer's internal dispute. Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika will only communicate with correspondence authors.

Authors should also understand that their articles (and any additional files, including data sets and analysis/computation data) will become publicly available once published. The license of published articles (and additional data) will be governed by a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika allows users to copy, distribute, display and perform work under license. Users need to attribute the author(s) and Elipsoida : Jurnal Geodesi dan Geomatika to distribute works in journals and other publication media. Unless otherwise stated, the author(s) is a public entity as soon as the article is published.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are no required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process.

Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors don't need to pay some processing fees (free charges) for article publishing once their articles have been accepted.