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*Godlive Handel Immanuel Sitorus  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Wido Prananing Tyas  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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The city of Surakarta (Solo) is currently in the process stage to realize the concept of Solo Smart City. SMEs Surakarta Batik sector became one of the focus of government to be encouraged to be able to apply the principles of smart economy in its activities. This study aims to see how the level of readiness of SMEs Surakarta Batik in order to see how strong the role of SMEs Surakarta Batik in encouraging the implementation of smart economic dimensions. Assessment of readiness is done by analyzing the condition of five smart economic indicators, namely: innovative spirit, collaboration and participation, entrepreneurship, productivity, and competitiveness. The readiness levels designed in this study are divided into three categories: ready, ready on condition, and not yet ready. The research method used in this research is a quantitative method with the use of mixed qualitative and quantitative data. The analytical technique used is scoring. The result of this research concludes that the level of readiness of SMEs Surakarta Batik is at the level of ready on condition, meaning that SMEs Surakarta Batik basically can be said ready to realize the smart economic dimension, but there are some aspects that need attention to be developed in order to really pushing the realization (1) aspects of decision making on innovative spirit indicators, (2) aspects of collaboration on innovative spirit indicators, and (3) business administration management systems on productivity indicators.

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Keywords: smart city; smart economy; Batik Surakarta SMEs

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