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Pembentukan Lembaga Peradilan Khusus Pemilihan Umum dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Electoral Justice System

*Muhammad Haris Zulkarnain  -  Universitas Jakarta, Indonesia

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Objective: The aim of this research is to identify the urgency of establishing a special election justice institution in order to realize an election justice system in Indonesia.

Methodology/Approach/Design: This research uses a normative juridical method with a qualitative approach. This method allows researchers to analyze statutory regulations, the role and authority of institutions that handle electoral disputes and disputes in Indonesia so far, as well as case studies of the form of special election judicial institutions in other countries.

Results and Discussion: In facing every problem related to holding elections in Indonesia, effective efforts and systems are needed to overcome them. Realizing an electoral justice system in elections, one of which is through the establishment of a special election justice institution. Special election institutions are tasked with completing resolutions and election cases more quickly, effectively and focused because they are carried out by just one institution. The format and form of special election judicial institutions can be adapted to the interests and electoral problems that exist in Indonesia.

Practical Implications: This research has practical implications for realizing an electoral justice system in the implementation of democratic parties in Indonesia. The existence of a special election judicial institution can help change the current state's legal and institutional practices to be better, integrated and not overlapping between institutions in their authority to handle electoral disputes and disputes, whether in presidential elections, legislative elections, or regional head elections. It is hoped that efforts to establish a special election judicial institution can provide justice, benefit and legal certainty regarding disputes and disputes in elections in Indonesia.

Novelty/Value: This research contributes to providing new ideas in handling election cases and disputes in Indonesia through a special election judicial institution. The value of this research lies in a better understanding of the importance of the electoral justice system so that the quality of the implementation of democracy in Indonesia can continue to be improved. Efforts to create an effective legal system based on the legal system theory of Lawrence Mier Friedman and the goals to be achieved from this system based on Satjipto Rahardjo's legal political theory are the added value of this research.

Keywords: General Elections. Special Judicial Institutions. Electoral Justice System.

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