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Kondisi tanah sebelum dan sesudah ditambang di area galian pasir dan batu Rowosari Semarang berdasarkan struktur komunitas mikroartropoda dan indeks QBS-ar

*Rully Rahadian scopus  -  , Indonesia
Mochamad Hadi  -  Laboratorium Ekologi dan Biosistematik, Departemen Biologi, FSM, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Udi Tarwotjo  -  Laboratorium Ekologi dan Biosistematik, Departemen Biologi, FSM, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Wiatri Larasati  -  Laboratorium Ekologi dan Biosistematik, Departemen Biologi, FSM, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Noora Lailatul Husna  -  Departemen Biologi, FSM, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Mining activities have environmentally damaging impacts including on soil faunal ecosystems. Microarthropods as one of the components of soil fauna are known to have the ability as bioindicators of soil quality. This study aims to evaluate the role of soil microarthropods’ community structures and the QBS-ar index as a bioindicator of soil damage due to sand and stone mining activities in Rowosari Semarang. Soil sampling was conducted at two locations representing land before and after mining using five times replication. Soil microarthropods were extracted from soil samples using the Tullgren-Funnel method. Microarthropods were identified up to the order level. The physical and chemical factors of soil measured were pH, organic matter, porosity and soil texture. Analysis of microarthropods community structure was conducted using Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pilou evenness. Biology soil quality was analyzed using the QBS-ar Index. The results showed the diversity of microarthropods at the location before and after mining did not significantly different (p>0.05). The biology soil quality in the before mining area is better than in the after mining. The pH value of the soil in both locations ranges from 6 – 7. Porosity and soil organic matter in the after mining area is higher than in the area that has not been mined. The soil texture in the land that has not been mined is silt loam while in the after mining area is sandy loam. It can be concluded that the community structure of microarthropods and the physical and chemical parameters of the soil are not sensitive enough to detect soil damage due tomining activity compared to the QBS-ar index.

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Keywords: microarthropods; QBS-ar; quarry; community structure

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