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*Dian Ariesta Yuwaningsih orcid scopus  -  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Burhanudin Arif Nurnugroho  -  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Diniar Mar’atus Sholiha  -  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia

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Let 𝑅 and 𝑆 be rings with identity. The definition of prime submodule has been generalized to the almost prime submodule. In addition, the definition of prime submodule has also been carried over to the (𝑅,𝑆)-module structure, which is called jointly prime (𝑅,𝑆)-submodules. However, as a generalization of prime submodules, the concept of almost prime submodules has not been carried over to (𝑅,𝑆)-module structures. In this paper, we construct the definition of almost jointly prime (𝑅,𝑆)-submodules as the generalization of jointly prime (𝑅,𝑆)-submodules. We also present several necessary and sufficient conditions for an (𝑅,𝑆)-submodule to be an almost jointly prime (𝑅,𝑆)-submodule.

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Keywords: almost prime; jointly almost prime; jointly prime; (𝑅, 𝑆)-modules
Funding: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan under contract PD-156/SP3/LPPM-UAD/VIII/2023

Article Metrics:

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