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Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope


Journal of Islamic Economics and Business aims to be a forum for academics, practitioners, and researchers to develop and disseminate knowledge and innovation in economics and business based on Sharia principles. This journal focuses on research related to the concepts and applications of Islamic economics, and how these principles can be applied in the modern business world to create a just, stable, and sustainable economic system. Journal of Islamic Economics and Business aims to make significant contributions to the scientific literature, facilitate dialogue between academics and practitioners, and advance understanding of how Islamic economic principles can be integrated into contemporary business to achieve the welfare of the people.


Islamic Economics: Microeconomics, Macro Economics, Political Economis, Development Economics, Institutional Economics, Islamic Economics Thought, Ushul Fiqh and Fiqh Muamalah, 

Islamic Finance: Banking and Financial Institution, Capital Market, Social Finance, Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Waqf, Sukuk, Islamic FinTech, Microfinance,

Islamic Business: Halal Industry, Islamic Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Islamic Marketing, Human Resource Development,

Note: Journal focus and scope are not limited to the topics above, if they are in line with the topics of economics, business, finance and sharia investment, can still be considered


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions
Checked Indexed
Checked Peer Reviewed


Peer Review Process / Policy

The manuscript was sent to be examined in advance by the Chief Editor includes material suitability and quality of the writing techniques. Manuscripts that do not confirm with the field of study of the Diponegoro Journal of Islamic Economics and Business or do not comply with the drafting of the journal will be returned to the author without further review. Scripts are in accordance with the provisions of the journal will be sent to the Partners (Peer Review) in accordance with their respective areas of expertise to substance evaluation. Reviewers are chosen are those who have the appropriate competence and is able to be objective. Reviewer name will be displayed or not at the discretion of the reviewer.

Brevity, clarity and suitability of writings on the provision of editorial, reviewer policy influence on the manuscript is reviewed. Highly recommended texts really have been well studied by co-authors before it is sent to the editor of the journal. This shows that the assessment is also based on the scholarly manuscript and not merely technical matter of clarity. Keep in mind that the manuscript may be rejected simply because of how bad scriptwriting.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public and for support a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Publication Ethics

For Publication

  1. All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by at least one blind peer reviewer who are expert in their subject.
  2. The result of review is categorized into eligible to publish without revision, eligible to publish with minor revision, eligible to publish with major revision, and rejection.
  3. Rejected manuscript will not be re-reviewed.


For Editor

  1. Editors have full responsibility and authority to reject/accept a manuscript.
  2. Editors should guarantee the quality of the papers published.
  3. Editors should protect the confidentiality of individual information and ensures the anonymity of reviewers and authors.
  4. Editors should not allow any conflicts of interest among authors, reviewers and board members.


For Authors

  1. Authors have to certify that the manuscript has not previously been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  2. Authors should ensure that they have written original work. They should certify that manuscript submitted is free from plagiarism and also self-plagiarism.
  3. Authors have to follow thearticle template provided by DJIEB.
  4. Authors state that all data analyzed are real.


For Reviewers

  1. Reviewers should evaluate a manuscript solely on academic merits such as the originality, soundness, novelty and language. In which if a conflict of interest is detected it should be immediately notified to the editor..
  2. Reviewers have to keep all information related to the manuscript reviewed.
  3. Reviewers should review a manuscript objectively.
  4. Reviewers should notify clearly on unclear statement written by authors.
  5. Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulted from competitive or relationships with any of the authors.
  6. If plagiarism is detected, reviewers should notify the editors immediately.


Publication Frequency

Diponegoro Journal of Islamic Economics and Business is published twice a year


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