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Profil Anatomi Daun Planlet Pisang Kepok Hasil Induksi Mutagen Alami Secara In Vitro

Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Lampung, Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro No. 1 Bandar Lampung 35145, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright 2022 Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi

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Pisang Kepok memiliki keragaman aksesi/kultivar yang tinggi, namun pengembangan kultivar belum banyak dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasikan struktur anatomi daun sebagai karakter penanda pisang Kepok poliploid dengan pemberian  ekstrak umbi kembang sungsang sebagai mutagen alami untuk pengembangan kultivar unggul melalui perakitan secara in vitro. Penelitian disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan dua faktor.  Faktor 1 terdiri dari ekstrak air umbi kembang sungsang (10%), larutan kolkisin murni (0,1%) sebagai kontrol positif dan tanpa diberi penambahan (0%) sebagai kontrol negatif. Faktor 2 terdiri dari Kepok Abu, Kepok Batu dan Kepok Kuning. Semua kombinasi perlakuan diulang 5   kali. Data dianalisis ANAVA dan jika ada perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT pada taraf 5%. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan pemberian kolkisin pada media kultur dapat menginduksi munculnya planlet pisang poliploid jika dilihat dari penambahan ukuran sel epidermis dan stomata serta menurunkan indeks stomata. Namun, ekstrak umbi kembang sungsang 10% belum mampu menginduksi munculnya planlet poliploid. Pisang Kepok kuning memiliki respon lebih baik terhadap pemberian mutagen dibandingkan Kepok abu dan batu. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kolkisin 0,1% mampu menginduksi planlet pisang Kepok poliploid.


Pisang Kepok has a high diversity of accessions/cultivars, but cultivar development has not been widely studied. This study aims to identify the anatomical structure of the leaves as markers of polyploid Kepok bananas with the addition of flame lily tuber extract as a natural mutagen for the development of superior cultivars through in vitro assembly. The study was arranged in a completely randomized design with two factors. Factor 1 consisted of water extract of flame lily bulbs (10%), pure colchicine solution (0.1%) as a positive control and no addition (0%) as a negative control. Factor 2 consists of Kepok Abu, Kepok Batu and Kepok Kuning. All treatment combinations were repeated 5 times. The data were analyzed by ANAVA and if there was a difference, it was continued with the DMRT test at the 5% level. The results showed that the addition of colchicine to the culture media could induce the emergence of polyploid banana plantlets when observed from the increase in the size of the epidermal and stomata cells and decrease the stomatal index. However, 10% flame lily tuber extract was not able to induce the emergence of polyploid plantlets. Kepok  Kuning bananas had a better response to mutagens than Kepok Abu and Kepok Batu bananas. From these results it can be concluded that 0.1% colchicine was able to induce polyploid Kepok banana plantlets.

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Keywords: Kembang Sungsang; kolkisin; pisang kepok; anatomi daun

Article Metrics:

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