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By submitting to Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment, authors attest that the submission:
Online Submission
Submissions to Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment should be through the online submission system. There are no strict formatting requirements for the initial submission, as long as the article structure conforms with our guidelines (see the manuscript structure section below). Manuscripts that advance to the revision stage will then be required to be formatted appropriately (see the formatting section). This enables authors to focus on the scientific content of their manuscript, along with speeding up the article’s processing time.
Author registration. Authors without an Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment account are required to create an account before beginning their submission. Make sure that the “Author” role is selected in the Role dropdown menu, otherwise, you will not be able to proceed with the submission.
Author(s) data. The submitting author is required to complete the author(s) data during the submission. Please ensure that the affiliation addresses are complete and written exactly as they appear on the manuscript.
Manuscript metadata. Please complete at least the following information related to the manuscript:
Manuscript Structure Guide
Title. Use a concise and informative title in the title case, with a maximum of 20 words.
Affiliation. Provide each author’s affiliation, no abbreviation, including the city and country.
Abstract. Should be no longer than 150 words. Provide the background and objective of the paper, its principal results, and its conclusions. Avoid using abbreviations and citations.
Keywords. Include a maximum of six keywords or phrases, separated using a semicolon (;). Use specific, relevant terms, so that the article is easier to find in search engines. Do not use terms that are too general or too long.
Introduction. This section should briefly explain the background of the study of community engagement, provide a short review of the pertinent literature, state the originality of the research, and state the research and/or program objectives. This section also covers the factual and actual problems, challenges, or requirements needed by a community related to the research purposes.
Methodology of research or program design. Combine the methods and procedures used in one narrative passage. Enough information should be provided to enable the repetition of the research. For commercial sources of the materials, the name of the company, and the town and country in which they are located should be indicated.
Results. Describe the outcome of the study. Data should be presented as concisely as possible, and in the form of tables or figures if appropriate, although very large tables should be avoided. If needed, this section can be combined with the Discussion section into a Results and discussion section.
Discussion (if necessary). This section should be an interpretation of the results of the work (not a repetition of them) in the context of previous research. Avoid excessive referencing of published literature. If needed, this section can be combined with the Results section into a Results and discussion section.
Conclusions. The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a standalone “Conclusions” section or included as a subsection of the “Discussion” section.
Acknowledgments. Acknowledge anyone who contributed to the research and/or program, as well as any funding or grants received in support of it. The names of funding organizations should be written in full, along with the grant numbers, if available. List any individuals who helped you during the study (e.g. assistance with study design or analysis, or guidance through a study area), or writing of the article (e.g. providing advice on the language, editing, or proofreading the article).
References. List all items alphabetically. Literature cited during the construction of the paper is included in the bibliography. For the purposes of efficiency and conciseness, avoid using more than 30 references and less than 10, consisting of a fair ratio of journal and book references from at least 10 recent years. Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment uses an APA (American Psychological Association) citation system.
Appendix (if necessary). Any supplemental files such as questionnaires and other supporting data not more than 3 pages.
Submission Checklist
Author(s) can use the following checklist when preparing their submission:
Files to send
General formatting
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.