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Focus and Scope

Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment is a peer reviewed journal that publishes articles on the results of community service, especially service in the field of law. Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment is published by the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia, Semi-Annually (twice a year). Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment is a scientific journal that pays attention to efforts to disseminate the results of community service and a forum for discussion of the latest methods and techniques in community strengthening in the legal approach. Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment is published in Indonesian and English. Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment focuses on all legal issues in community service and empowerment. Topics studied are Law and Community Empowerment, Law and Society, Legal Services, and Legal Aid and general topics regarding Community Service.

Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment merupakan peer reviewed journal yang menerbitkan artikel-artikel hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat, utamanya pengabdian dalam bidang hukum. Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment  diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia, Semi-Tahunan (dua kali dalam satu tahun). Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment  merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang memiliki perhatian pada upaya diseminasi hasil pengabdian masyarakat dan wadah diskusi metode-metode dan teknik terkini dalam penguatan masyarakat dalam pendekatan bidang hukum. Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment terbit dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment  fokus pada semua isu-isu hukum dalam pengabdian dan penguatan kepada masyarakat. Topik yang dikaji adalah Hukum dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Hukum dan Masyarakat, Layanan Hukum, dan Bantuan Hukum dan topik umum mengenai Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions
Checked Indexed
Checked Peer Reviewed


Peer Review Process / Policy

All submitted manuscripts are read by the editorial staff. Those manuscripts evaluated by editors to be inappropriate to journal criteria are rejected promptly without external review. Manuscripts evaluated to be of potential interest to our readership are sent to double blind reviewers. The editors then make a decision based on the reviewer’s recommendation from among several possibilities: rejected, require major revision, need minor revision, or accepted. The Editor-in-Chief of the Telukawur Journal of Legal Community Empowerment has the right to decide which manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.



Publication Frequency

Two times a year (Mei and November)


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...