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Comparison Amino Acid Profile of Pearl Lobster (Panulirus ornatus) Fed with Combination of Fish Meal and Mollusc Meal

1Departmen of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science , Universitas Halu Oleo., Jl. H.E.A. Mokodompit. Kampus Baru Aundunohu, Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

2Departmen of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University., Indonesia

3Graduate student in the study program of Fisheries Science, Halu Oleo University., Indonesia

4 Departmen of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Halu Oleo University., Indonesia

5 Departmen of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University Makassar, Indonesia

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Open Access Copyright 2024 Wellem Henrik Muskita

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Panulirus ornatus is a vital fishery commodity that has high economic value. The research aims to examine the growth, amino acid profile, and intestinal histology of Panulirus ornatus fed a combination of fish meal and mollusk meal using a randomized block design (RBD) method with four treatments and three replications fed with four formulations for 50 days of maintenance. Four formulated feeds contained 20% sardine fish meal + 20% jackmackerel fish meal (treatment A), 10% mangrove snail meal + 15% golden snail meal + 15% mussel clam meal (Treatment B), 15% mangrove snail meal + 10% golden snail flour + 15% mussel clam flour (Treatment C), and 15% mangrove snail flour + 15% golden snail flour + 10% musselclam flour (Treatment D) were given to pearl lobsters once a day at a dosage of 3% of their weight body. Kepah cockle flour has more essential and nonessential amino acids than mangrove and golden snail flour. Mangrove snail flour has higher histidine levels than golden and kepah cockle flour. The results of the amino acid analysis of the test feed showed that the total essential amino acids and total nonessential amino acids in all test feeds showed the same amount, namely 13,0 -14,0%.The findings concluded that feed containing The combination of mollusks flour is more suitable than the combination of fish flour for the growth and amino acid needs of pearl lobsters.


Keywords: Amino Acids, Pearl Lobster, Mollusc Flour

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