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*Dwi Handayani Handayani  -  Departemen Teknologi Dan Industri, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
M. Endy Yulianto  -  Departemen Teknologi Dan Industri, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Anggun Puspitarini Siswanto  -  Departemen Teknologi Dan Industri, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Heny Kusuma Yanti  -  Departemen Teknologi Dan Industri, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Alfiyan Pujiastuti  -  Departemen Teknologi Dan Industri, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Rifatul Jannah  -  Departemen Teknologi Dan Industri, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Shabrina Berdiansyah  -  Departemen Teknologi Dan Industri, Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2020 Jurnal Pengabdian Vokasi

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The service activity of this Used Soap Cooking Training aims to develop and improve human resources, especially mothers who join the PKK group in the village of Undip Vocational School who collaborate with Kominfo, namely Kangkung Village, Mranggen District, Demak Regency. The development and application of soap making technology from used cooking oil seeks to improve the knowledge and skills of PKK members. The problem solving patterns that will be developed are generally divided into several stages, including: socialization, preparation and training / practice of soap making and monitoring. The training activity which was held to coincide on Mother's Day on December 22, 2019 sought to increase women's empowerment and it was hoped that mothers could obtain provisions in filling their free time after carrying out their duties as housewives to gain knowledge that could support household needs, especially in the family. community environment. With this training, it is expected that mothers are very skilled in utilizing used cooking oil to make soap to meet personal needs and can be developed into a home industry so that it will improve economic problems

The service activity of this Used Soap Cooking Training aims to develop and improve human resources, especially mothers who join the PKK group in the village of Undip Vocational School who collaborate with Kominfo, namely Kangkung Village, Mranggen District, Demak Regency. The development and application of soap making technology from used cooking oil seeks to improve the knowledge and skills of PKK members. The problem solving patterns that will be developed are generally divided into several stages, including: socialization, preparation and training / practice of soap making and monitoring. The training activity which was held to coincide on Mother's Day on December 22, 2019 sought to increase women's empowerment and it was hoped that mothers could obtain provisions in filling their free time after carrying out their duties as housewives to gain knowledge that could support household needs, especially in the family, community environment. With this training, it is expected that mothers are very skilled in utilizing used cooking oil to make soap to meet personal needs and can be developed into a home industry so that it will improve economic problems.

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Keywords: Keywords: skills, training, soap

Article Metrics:

  1. Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) No. 77092012
  2. Yustinah, Hartini, 2011.. Adsorbsi Minyak Goreng Bekas Menggunakan Arang Aktif dari Sabut Kelapa. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia “Kejuangan” ISSN 1693 – 4393 Pengembangan Teknologi Kimia untuk Pengolahan Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia Yogyakarta, 22 Februari 2011
  3. Ratna Dewi Kusumaningtyas, Nur Qudus, Rr Dewi Artanti Putri, Rini Kusumawardani, 2018. Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Minyak Goreng Bekas Menjadi Sabun Cuci Piring Untuk Pengendalian Pencemaran Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
  4. Vol.22 No.2

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