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Epidemiology Department, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Received: 29 Jun 2020; Published: 1 Sep 2020.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of Public Health for Tropical and Coastal Region

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High-risk behavior placed inmates to be one of certain population to be vulnerable to sexually-transmitted infections (STI) due to the discontinuity of sexual needs in imprisonment. The purpose of this study is to describe the history of STIs-risked sexual behavior of inmates before and during imprisonment. This research was an observational study with a cross sectional study design. The samples were 100 male inmates in Semarang Class I Penitentiary. Univariate data analyzed and presented in frequency distribution. Characteristics of respondents in this study include the majority of respondents aged less than 40 years (70%), completed high school (42%), and married (48%). Sexual orientation before and during imprisonment were all heterosexual (100%). Historical description of STIs-risked sexual behavior with a high risk category were 53%, while during imprisonment were 71%. Based on sexual behavior in prison, 54% doing masturbation involving genital stimulation and pornography, 13% touching intimate parts in the visiting room, 5% had intercourse with the opposite sex in prisons. This findings implied that the sexual needs of inmates in prison are real and need to be channeled in a healthy manner.

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Keywords: history of sexual risk behavior;sexually-transmitted infections;inmates
Funding: Diponegoro University, Department of Public Health

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