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The Effectivity of Solid Medical Waste Management in Pandemic Era

1Faculty of Public Health, University of Jember, Indonesia

2Management and Organizational Science, Faculty of Economic Science, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, Hungary

Received: 16 Mar 2021; Published: 30 Dec 2021.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2021 The authors. Published by Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Introduction: The increasing of confirmed positive case of SARS-Cov-2 Virus impacts to the need for improvement of health services, especially to the health workers and medical equipment. Along with the importance of regarding need of health service, it causes the rise number of medical waste that leads to health problem crisis. Therefore, this article presents common insight of the effectivity and challenge of medical waste management in Covid-19 pandemic.

Methods: The notion is gained by finding out the source database from Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Google scholar, Researchgate that classified based on the research purpose. The keywords used were: (1) Covid-19 and medical waste; (2) pandemic solid waste; (3) waste and Covid-19; (4) management and pandemics.

Results: An effective method to be applied is sterilizer technology, such as VH2O2 dan Stryker STERIZONE VP4, and the development of late waste respirator with the pyrolysis process. The method and the management process is considered, either nationally or internationally, as effective, but still we found challenge to implement the method, as lack of socialisation and support from the functionary.  

Conclusion: the method management can be implemented in the various countries, based on the needs and capability.


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Keywords: Solid Medical Waste; Waste Management; Covid-19 Pandemic

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