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Policy Implementation of Lantamal VIII Manado in Handling Transnational Crimes in the North Sulawesi Marine Border

*Dian Handayani  -  Master Program of Defense Management, Faculty of Defense Management, Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
Wavin Nuha Kuntanaka  -  Master Program of Defense Management, Faculty of Defense Management, Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
Abdul Rahman  -  Master Program of Asymmetric Warfare, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

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This study aims to identify the policy of Main Naval Base VIII (Lantamal VIII) Manado to handle transnational crimes in the Manado sea border, North Sulawesi. It is implemented in order to support Indonesia's maritime security which contains communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study. Data collection using interviews and documentation while examining the data’s validity using triangulation. The argument of this study is the communication made by Lantamal VIII Manado which represents the relation of Indonesia and the Philippines, while coordination between the competent agencies in the waters of North Sulawesi requires good synergy. Nevertheless, there are several problems encountered by Lantamal VIII Manado, namely the lack of personnel and defence equipment. The disposition aspect has been going well according to the command mechanism. In addition, from the bureaucratic structure, Lantamal VIII Manado has a clear division of regional work.

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Keywords: Policy Implementation; Transnational Crimes; Main Naval Base.

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