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A Bajau Tradeswoman: Between Trade Networks and Marine Conservation Issues (Review of Amphibious Anthropology: Engaging with Maritime Worlds in Indonesia by Annet P. Pauwelessen)

*Slamet Subekti  -  Doctoral Program of History, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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This paper drawn the case study of Langkah, the Bajau tradewoman, to show how maritime people perform informal networks of exchanges and interdependencies acroos the sea. Its sheds light on a world that often escapes the attention of maritime research and policy making both in terms of scale and complexity. There is a persisting disparity between the relational performance of this sea-based Bajau world and the way in which it is captured and approached in maritime governance, including conservation policy and practice

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Keywords: Bajau Tradeswoman; Trade Networks; Marine Conservation; Makassar Strait.

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