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Language of the Sea: Ideologies within Kabar Dari Laut by Chairil Anwar

*Jumanto Jumanto orcid scopus  -  Universitas Dian Nuswantoro , Indonesia

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This research paper explores ideologies contained in the 1946 poem Kabar Dari Laut by Chairil Anwar. The main words Kabarand Lautare central in this poem. This interpretive exploration tries to find out the ideologies contained in the phrase Kabar(literally means news, however,italso rather to say story) and the ideology in the scripture of laut[the sea] and how the two sets of expressions speak out the restlessness of the noted poet Chairil Anwar. The research findings have shown that the news and the sea have been used by the frustrated author to speak out his regret, awareness, and hatred due to his broken-hearted soul upon his ex-lover in the past. The findings also show that the sea signifies the author’s small self to face and live in this abundant life (the sea). His hatred towards his ex-lover has remained sad memories and bad realities which the author bears in his time while he is writing the poem.
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