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Sea as A Location for Transaction: Buginese Pandeling in East Borneo

*Harto Yuwono  -  Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, Indonesia

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This research is discusses about Buginese pandeling in east Borneo at sea as a location for transaction. Pandeling are used legally as well as economically to refer the activities that provided some guarantee of someone to another as a duty to get something. This transaction was one of economic interactions that based on social ties and traditions. Pandeling is a trade commodity in business and monetary transaction among the traders and capital investors. Pandeling came into the system without prediction to be transferred and even had to separate from his family, if the new owner came from far away. According the formal regulation on this transaction, pandeling had to subordinate except he could pay off his debt with all rents. After his debt and rent was paid off by himself, pandeling did not often return to his original place but lived in his new settlement, place where he got his freedom. Therefore, this group will begin as a part of local community or build a new community as a free person.
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Keywords: Migration History; Maritime History; Adaptation; Integration Process; Sea Culture; Oral Traditions; Sawu Sea.

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