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*Sekar Nugraheni  -  Departemen Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Christiana Rini Indrati  -  Departemen Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

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The weak solution is one of solutions of the partial differential equations, that is generated from derivative of the distribution. In particular, the definition of a weak solution of the Dirichlet problem for second order linear elliptic partial differential equations is constructed by the definition and the characteristics of Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz domain in R^n. By using the Lax Milgram Theorem, Alternative Fredholm Theorem and Maximum Principle Theorem, we derived the sufficient conditions to ensure the uniqueness of the weak solution of Dirichlet problem for second order linear elliptic partial differential equations. Furthermore, we discussed the eigenvalue of Dirichlet problem for second order linear elliptic partial differential equations with  respect to the weak solution.

Article Metrics:

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