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Journal Profile

Publication schedule: June and November
Language: English (2023-present), Indonesian and English (2018-2022)
APC: No publication or submission fees
Accreditation (S3): Indonesian Ministry of Res. Tech. & Higher Edu. (No. 105/E/KPT/2022)
Hardcopy order: Click Here


.docx, Latex, Overleaf Project 
Submission Guidelines: Click here
: Certificate, Decree
Copyright Transfer: Form


JFMA is supported by the  Indonesian Mathematical Society Regional D.I. Yogyakarta-Central Java

Upgrading Papers' Quality and Further Indexation

Dear JFMA Readers, Authors, and Reviewers;

As you might have noticed, JFMA has been accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia, and is categorized as Grade 3 (SINTA 3). We would like to thank you for your contribution so far in developing JFMA. 
In the near future, we would like to upgrade the quality of the journal in terms of management and the content itself so that we can propose indexation in international databases such as DOAJ and Scopus. To do so, starting from the next issue (Nov 2022), we seek high-quality papers with good novelty both in theory and application; moreover, English manuscripts are preferred and are mandatory from 2023.
Furthermore, there is no deadline for the manuscript submission i.e. a manuscript can be submitted at any time, and if accepted, it will go to the forthcoming issue or article in press list (see here). Normally, an issue contains ten articles, and accepted articles will be published based on the order of the date on which the final version or galley-proofed article is received. Accepted articles that are not published in the current issue will be published in the next issue.
