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Analisis Triple Bottom Line pada Implementasi Green Marketing di Sektor Industri Indonesia Menggunakan Metode SEM-PLS

*Taufiq Hidayat orcid  -  Department of Management, Universitas Diponegoro,Jl. Prof. Moeljono Trastotenojo, Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia

How to cite (IEEE): T. Hidayat, "Analisis Triple Bottom Line pada Implementasi Green Marketing di Sektor Industri Indonesia Menggunakan Metode SEM-PLS," Jurnal Dinamika Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 181-200, Dec. 2024. [Online]. Retrieved from :
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This study examines the implementation of Green Marketing in Indonesia's industrial sector and environmental, economic, and social sustainability. This issue is especially important in developing countries because businesses are under pressure to implement sustainable practices. The research aims to fill in the gaps in the literature on how these sustainability factors interact under the Green Marketing method. This quantitative study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) to examine data from 315 consumers in Indonesia. Green marketing strategies should combine environmental, economic, and social factors, as the data shows a strong correlation between the three sustainability characteristics. The findings in this study show that all three aspects are interrelated and important for the sustainability of the company. Economic sustainability has an influence on social sustainability, economic sustainability has an influence on environmental sustainability, and social sustainability has an influence on environmental sustainability in the implementation of green marketing in Indonesia Green marketing strategies must be carried out holistically to produce sustainability in Indonesia's industrial landscape.

Keywords: Green Marketing; Sustainability; Social Factor; Economic
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