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Implementasi Business Plan pada Usaha Rice Bowl 'Risebowl' untuk Meningkatkan Profitabilitas

Aldrick Brianto Putra  -  , Indonesia
*Edy Rahardja  -  Departemen Bisnis dan Keuangan Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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This aims on this research is to develop a business strategy for the rice bowl business ‘Risebowl’ in Semarang City, in order to capitalize on the increasing fast food market opportunities. Risebowl is focused on providing healthy, practical, and affordable fast food for consumers with the main target of urban communities, especially the younger generation. In achieving these objectives, this research identifies internal and external factors that influence the development of this business through SWOT analysis and Business Model Canvas approaches.

The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection was conducted through direct observation, structured interviews with business owners, as well as literature studies and secondary data. SWOT analysis was used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by Risebowl, while Business Model Canvas helped in designing a comprehensive business plan.

The results show that Risebowl has significant market opportunities in Semarang City, although there are some internal weaknesses that need to be improved, such as human resource management and operational capacity. Overall, the business feasibility is good with promising profitability potential. The business plan includes a social media-based marketing strategy, flexible human resource management, and realistic financial projections to support future expansion.

Keywords: Environmental Analysis, Business Feasibility Analysis, Business Plan

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