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The Indonesian Journal of Planning and Development  is an open access international journal. The submitted paper will not be charged for article processing (Rp 0.00). Readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge.
All manuscripts must be submitted by online submission.

Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word article template:


Title of Paper [Franklin Gothic Demi Cond 14pt]

Sub-title [Franklin Gothic Demi Cond 12pt]


First Author 1, Co-author 2, Co-author 3 [Tw Cen MT Condensed 11pt Bold]

Institution, City, Country1

Institution, City, Country 2

Institution, City, Country 3

[Arial 9pt Italic]


Abstract [Arial 9pt Bold]

Please read these notes carefully and follow them thoroughly. This document explains how to prepare a paper for submission to the Indonesian Journal of Planning and Development. It can be used as a template if you are using Microsoft Word with all formatting styles embedded. Text in [square brackets] gives the ‘style’ label used and some overview on layout and style and should be deleted in your submitted paper. [Abstract text: Arial 9pt]

Keywords: document, paper, template. [Arial 9pt; minimum of three keywords in alphabetical order]


1. Introduction [Heading Level 1: Arial 10pt Bold]

Accepted papers will be published in Journal, in the form of an edited book registered with ISSN, available in both soft- and hardcopy. The softcopy is distributed to all participants for free, while the hardcopies are available in limited amount and can be bought from the editorial address at LAREDEM, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Diponegoro University.

Author is fully responsible for the article s/he wrote. Any academic violation, such as plagiarism, that is later on found out is not the responsibility of the Organising Committee. [Normal: Arial 9pt].

2. Article Preparation

2.1 The Length [Heading Level 2: Arial 9pt Bold]

A paper should not exceed 12 pages, including tables and figures (abstract, references/bibliography and acknowledgement excluded).

2.2 Organisation

Title should be precise, informative and not too long. Please mention the name/s of author/s, completed with her/his/their affiliation using number/s in superscript as written above. Email address of the first author should be mentioned for correspondence purposes.

Abstract should not exceed 300 words. Heading and sub-headings should use Arabic numbering with maximum of three levels.

2.3 Table

Presentation using tables can help explaining discussions more accurately and attractively. This way, presentation can also be shortened.

Tables should be numbered continuously following the presentation order (Table 1, Table 2, and so forth). Table titles should be positioned as written below.

2.4 Figures (Including Photos and Illustration)

Figures are allowed at maximum of 40% of the content and should be placed near the related or referred texts. All figures, photos and illustration should be numbered continuously according to the presentation order (Figure 1., Figure 2., and so forth).

Title of figure should be as complete as possible and should be positioned below the figure. All figures should be clear and readable, and no coloured figures are allowed. Please use fill patterns or line styles/markers to replace colour differences as exampled below.

2.5 References

It is recommended to use Harvard Referencing Standard as exampled in this document. However, other system can be used as long as consistently throughout the paper. Every source listed in the References should be cited in the text.

3. Layout and Specification

3.1 Specification

Font type used is Arial throughout the paper, with font size as instructed in this template. Please use single spacing and align text to both the left and right margins.

3.2 Page Layout

Page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) with 25 mm of top and bottom margins and 30 mm of left and right margins.

3.3 Article Layout

The easiest way to layout your article is by using this template directly.

3.4 Headings

Heading system should exactly follow this template.

4. Full Paper Submission

Please refer to the editorial board for submitting your full paper through our online submission system.

5. Conclusion

This document has explained how to prepare a formatted paper for submission to the Indonesian Journal of Planning and Development. Good luck and looking forward to publishing your article on our journal.


The Editorial Board would like to thank all the participants and other parties who have contributed in the journal.


Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based. Cite only items that you have read. Please refer to APA 6th Edition Format to write the references. Check each reference against the original source (authors name, volume, issue, year). Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, etc. All publications cited in the text should be included as a list of references. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).

Example (Apa 6th style):

Barthel, S. & Isendahl, C. 2013. Urban gardens, agriculture, and water management: Sources of resilience for long-term food security in cities. Ecological Economics, 86, 224-234.

Kerlinger, F. N. (1986). Foundations of behavioral research. New York: University Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Inc.

Igawa, N. and Nakamura, H. (2001). All sky model as a standard sky for the simulation of daylite environment. Building and Environment, 36, 763-770. doi: 10.1016/S0360-1323(00)00062-7.

Seng, D. C. (2012). Improving the governance context and framework conditions of natural hazard early warning systems. Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 2, 1-25. doi: 10.5595/idrim.2012.0020.