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Intervensi Non Farmakologi untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur Postpartum: Kajian Literatur

Ratrika Sari  -  Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
*Anggorowati Anggorowati  -  Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2020 Holistic Nursing and Health Science

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Introduction: Post-partum mothers experience an inadequate sleep quality, either because of new roles or changes during postpartum. The use of drugs in the postpartum period requires consideration because it is risky for both mother and baby, so non-pharmacological interventions are safer alternative choices. During the postpartum period, the mother also carries out her own care so that non-pharmacological interventions are needed because they can be doing by self. This literature review aims to know the types of non-pharmacological interventions to improve the sleep quality of postpartum mothers.

Methods: This literature review search uses the database of Science Direct, PubMed, Google Scholar, EBSCO using the keywords "sleep quality, postpartum, intervention, nonpharmacology". The review involves 12 articles meeting the inclusion criteria.

Results: The results of review founded some interventions including back massage, foot reflexology, auricular acupressure, pilates exercise, gymnastic aerobic, chamomile tea, lavender tea, orange peel essential oil, lavender aromatherapy, lavender cream, are significant nonpharmacological interventions to improving sleep quality in postpartum.

Conclusion: The most improvement in sleep quality with foot reflexology so this intervention can be an option in nursing interventions in postpartum mother who experience sleep disorder.


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Keywords: Intervention Non Pharmacology, Sleep Quality, Postpartum.

Article Metrics:

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