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*Hamas Faza  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Fitri Ariantie  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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Tinjomoyo Forest, is the one of the tourism attraction  located in Semarang city. Tinjomoyo has great potential to be developed. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that influence the number of visits to Tinjomoyo Forest. The sampling method used in this research is using quoted accidental sampling with 100 respondents. The analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression with the number of the visitor as a dependent variable and six independent variables are travel cost, travel cost in others similar places, leisure time, travel time, facilities, and the natural beauty of Tinjomoyo Forest. By testing irregularities classical assumptions, the results showed that data is normally distributed and there is no obtained a discrepancy. Based on calculations of SPSS 25, using significance level = 0,05 was obtained the value of F table = 2.11. Then  F test (37.489) > F table (2.11), the significance of F 0,00 less than 0,05, showed that all independent variables simutaneously affect the dependent variable. Furthermore, using partial analysis, the result shows that travel cost, travel cost to other similar place, travel time, facilities, and the natural beauty of Tinjomoyo have a significant effect to the number of visitors. However, leisure time have no significant effect to the number of visitors. The most dominant influence to the number of visitors is facilities variable.

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Keywords: Semarang, Tinjomoyo Forest, Tourism, The Number of Tourists Visitor
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