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Author Guidelines

The Guidelines on Writing Manuscript

 (Author Guidelines)



This updated guide used starting from 2023. It is highly recommended to work your manuscript in our template file.

A.  General Guidance

1.   Manuscripts can be written in Bahasa or English (use standard formal words in the good structure).
2.   The entire manuscript is written using Arial font, 1.5 spaces, 11 pt, with the justify paragraphs.
3.   The title of the manuscript must be written with the Arial font, 13 pt, Bold, Center . Each word begins with a capital letter followed by a lowercase letter according to the Capitalize Each Word format. This excludes the particle words, such as:

- prepositions: in, to, from, on, in, to, rather than, for, for, about, concerning, because, by, against, upon, by, will, with, and until.

- conjunctions, such as: and, as well as, or, but, however, however, but, whereas, whereas, which, so that, so that, even though, if, if, when, since, when, as long as, for the sake of, after, after, after, until, until, as, like, as, like, like, rather than, instead of, because, because, therefore, by reason of, so that.

The manuscript title must consist of a maximum of 14 (fourteen) words.


New Direction to The Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia's Job Creation Bill

4. The title of the manuscript must show the uniqueness, novelty, originality and urgency of the manuscript. It is forbidden to use the title that has been published or has been used before. The title of the manuscript should be related in the area of Legal Science field, regarding the current legal problems (it is not included for the review articles type. For example, reviewing a certain theory, concept, or legal principle). It is not allowed to take the legal problems that it doesn't exist anymore or it is not currently in existence. For example: legal problems that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic).
5. For research article is recommended to give “research identity” which is listed as a footnote to the article title.
6. After writing the title of the article, the author's name is written below it. The distance between the title and the author's name is 2 spaces. The author's name is written without an academic title, and write it in bold. Below the author's name is written the name of the author's affiliation or institution of origin; the address of the affiliation or institution; and the email address of the author who takes responsibility as Corresponding Author. All the author's identity information is written in Capitalize Each Word, with the Arial font, 10 pt , Center, single space.

If the authors come from the different affiliations, it is mandatory to use the superscript symbols: 1 , 2 , 3 , and so on,which should be put after each author's name.

Example :

Anggita Doramia Lumbanraja 1 , Rian Adhivira Prabowo 2

1 Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University

Dr. Antonius Suroyo St. , Tembalang , Semarang, Indonesia 50275

2 Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Kalimantan St. No.37, East Krajan , Sumbersari , Sumbersari District , Jember Regency, East Java 68121


If the authors are from the same affiliation, it is only necessary to include the affiliation name and the affiliation address once under the authors' names.


Anggita Doramia Lumbanraja , Yusriyadi

Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University

Dr. Antonius Suroyo St. , Tembalang , Semarang, Indonesia 50275


7. The number of authors can be more than one person with a parallel structure, separated by a comma ( , ). The corresponding author's name must be marked with a special mark ( * ). This mark is intended to ensure that communication related to the article can be received directly by the right personnel. The corresponding author's email address is written below the last author's affiliation/institution address.

Example :

Anggita Doramia Lumbanraja 1* , Rian Adhivira Prabowo 2

1 Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University

Dr. Antonius Suroyo St., Tembalang , Semarang, Indonesia 50275

2 Faculty of Law, University of Jember

Kalimantan St. No.37, East Krajan, Sumbersari , Sumbersari District , Jember Regency, East Java 68121



If the authors come from the same affiliation, for example:

Anggita Doramia Lumbanraja*, Yusriyadi

Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University

Dr. Antonius Suroyo St., Tembalang , Semarang, Indonesia 50275



8. In the online process submission at the metadata filling step (filling the author's identity): if the author's name consists of two words, then the author's first name (first name) should not be abbreviated and then followed by the last name (last name ). On the other hand, if the author's name only consists of one word, then in the online version (HTML) it will be written in two words containing the same name (repeated) for indexing purposes metadata .


First Name* : Anggita

Middle Name : Doramia

Last Name* : Lumbanraja

On the metadata online version (HTML) will be shown like this (Lumbanraja, 2020)

If the author's name only consists of one word, for example:

First Name* : Yusriyadi

Middle Name : (leave blank)

Last Name* : Yusriyadi

On the metadata online version (HTML) will be shown like this (Yusriyadi , 2023)

9. The abstract is written in 2 languages: English and Bahasa. The first abstract is in English, followed by the Abstrak in Bahasa, separated by 2 spacing from the English Abstract. The abstract title uses the font Arial, Bold, Italic, 11 pt, Center. The abstract substance is written in Italics, in single spacing, maximum 100 – 125 words. The abstract must contain:
  1. Background (1-2 sentences),
  2. Legal problems (1-2 sentences),
  3. Urgency of writing/research (1 sentence),
  4. Research method (for research articles only) (1 sentence),
  5. Research results or conclusions (2-3 sentences).

10.The title of the keyword is written in bold, italic, Arial, 11 pt. Keywords consists of 3-5 keywords and is separated by a semicolon (;), ends with a period (.), in regular fonts (no need to use bold fonts again), and uses the Capitalize format Each Word. Keywords are words that describe the essence of your manuscript substance. Keywords are very important and will be used as meta keywords in the indexing process and searching process in search engines. Avoid to use too many words in your keywords.


Keywords : Judge ; Crime Evidence ; Cyber Crimes

11.For the research article is required to have a minimum of 10 pages, or a maximum of 15 pages. While the conceptual article is required to have a minimum of 7 pages, or a maximum 12 pages.

12.It is not allowed to use Wikipedia and personal blogs as a source of quotation or reference source.

13.The content of the article must be written according to the template (all the paragraphs are written in 1 (one) column, not in 2 (two) columns) in a print-ready form with A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm) and with a left margin: 25 mm, right margin: 20 mm, bottom margin: 20 mm, and top margin: 30 mm. Each new paragraphs start 10 mm from the left margin, while there is no spacing between paragraphs. All numbers in writing articles in this journal are written in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on), except at the beginning of a sentence (One, Two, Three, Four, and so on).

14.Avoid the descriptions using ordered list or mentioning each points with the numbered list (vertical list) in your manuscript.


The practice of government administration refers to the Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan yang Baik (AAUPB) as stated in the Indonesia's Government Administration Law, which consists of:

a. legal certainty;

b. benefits;

c. impartiality ;

d. accuracy;

e. not abusing authority;

f. openness;

g. public interest; and

h. good service.

It is better to describe it in flowing sentences (parallel structure) in one paragraph.


The practice of government administration refers to the Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan yang Baik (AAUPB) as stated in the Indonesia's Government Administration Law, which consists of: a) legal certainty; b) benefit; c) impartiality; d) accuracy; e) not abusing authority; f) openness; g) public interest; and h) good service.

15.The similarities score of the manuscript should not exceed 25% from the Turnitin's checking result. This is to avoid plagiarism issues.

16.The citation model use body note style (author's last name, year of publication) with the standard of the American Psychological Reference Style Standard. Association 6th Edition reference style. Authors are required to use the Mendeley software as the reference manager.

17.When mentioning the name of an institution, organization, legislation, legal instrument, etc. that has a standard abbreviation, it is mandatory to mention the full full name, followed by the abbreviation written in brackets '( )'. This only applies to the first mention in your writing.


Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (UU TPKS)

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP)

In the second, third, and subsequent mentions, just write the abbreviation.

18.Foreign words and phrases used in the text should be italicized (no quotation marks or inverted commas) and should have the appropriate accents.


B.  Manuscript Format

The manuscript that enter in journal CREPIDO can be in the form of research results and also conceptual ideas. The writing must be original and has not been published in other media. As for the systematics writing as following :

1.   Research Article's Format:

A. Introduction

       Introduction section includes:

-      Background of the problem (1-2 paragraphs).

-      Theoretical Framework (2 paragraphs).

       Theoretical Framework is a descriptive explanation that outlines the structure of the theoretical basis that explains and connects each variable in your research problem (each theory or concept underlies each question in your research). The theoretical framework contains scientific theories or concepts that serve as the basis for justification of your research.

-      State of the art Previous research (1-2 paragraphs).

       State of the art contains 3-5 (three to five) previous studies that have discussed the same problems or variables as your research. In this section, simply mention the names of the researchers, the year it was conducted or published, and describe the core of the problem and the findings of the research. At the end of the paragraph, show the point of difference between your research and these studies, to provide an overview of the level of novelty and the originality of your research.

-      Legal Problems and Gap Analysis, Urgency of the Problem and Research Objectives (1-2 paragraphs).

       Legal Problems and Gap Analysis is the description of the legal gap that you are examining in your research. Here you explain the gap between the legal provisions and the legal facts. Where this raises a legal problem that is very important to be studied. This description leads you to the part of the explanation of how important the legal problem is to be studied in your research (Research Urgency). After describing the urgency of the research, it is followed by a description of your research objectives, which describes the findings, answers, and solutions that you want to find in your research.

These four components of the introduction are presented in flowing paragraphs, not as sub-sections of the introduction. These four components should be included in the introduction section of your manuscript.

B. Research Method (1 paragraph)

     In the Research Method research must contain: the approach method, research specifications, research types, data collection techniques, and data analysis methods. It doesn't necessary to provide a definition of the research method that you are using in your research or even cite a theory or concept relating about the research methods topics from the certain reference sources.

C. Results and Discussion

     Results and Discussion can consist of several sub-sections written with the numbering format (1,2,3, etc.) followed by the subsection title. The Results and Discussion must contain the scientific studies followed by the research results, and must be completed with your own analysis. Avoid excessive direct citation in this section, it is advisable to do indirect citation. In the Results and Discussion section, you must be able to answer all the legal problems that you have previously mentioned in the Introduction section.

D. Conclusion and Suggestions (1 paragraph)

     The conclusion is the summary of your research. It provides the essential points of research finding (that has been founded in the Results and Discussion section). The conclusion must provide the answers of each problem that you have mentioned in the Introduction section. Suggestions are solutions and recommendations that you want to offer based on your findings regarding the legal problems in your research.


The Bibliography must contain all references used in the Introduction and Results and Discussion sections. The References must be from the newest publication in the last 10 (ten) years (especially for normative and empirical research publications must be the newest one), except for the references regarding the fundamental theories or concepts that are not republished more than the last 10 years. The composition of the bibliography must consist of primary sources (80% or at least 12 references) such as: Indonesian journals (minimum of 8 Indonesian journals are required), International journals (minimum of 1 international journal is required), thesis, dissertation, proceeding conferences. Other reference sources type (20% or at least 3 references) can be books (at least 3 books), online articles, reports, etc. Each manuscript must at least contain 15 (fifteen) references in Bibliography (notincluding list of regulations).


2.   The Conceptual Article's Format:

A. Introduction

       Introduction section includes:

-      Background of the problem ( 1-2 paragraphs).

       Background contains the legal facts that underlie the emergence of your conceptual ideas.

-      Theoretical basis (2 paragraphs).

       The theoretical basis contains previous theories and concepts that inspired your conceptual ideas.

-      Legal Problems, Urgency and the Purpose of your Conceptual Idea (1-2 paragraphs)

       Contains the legal problems as the reasons why you have this conceptual idea. From these legal problems, please describe how important (urgent) your conceptual idea is. After that, please mention the purpose of your Conceptual Idea.

-      Study Approach Method

       Approach Method contains the legal approach methods you use in generating your conceptual ideas.

These fourth components of the introduction are narated in flowing paragraphs, not as sub-sections of the introduction section. These fourth components must be included in the introduction section of your manuscript.

B. Discussion

The discussion can consist of sub-sections written with numbering format (1,2,3, etc.  followed by the subsection title. The Discussion section in a Conceptual Idea Article is highly recommended to contain a theoretical basis or concept to build your strong argument. The Discussion section must contain the results of your thoughts (conceptual ideas) in detail, justified with strong arguments. In the Discussion section, you must be able to answer all the legal problems that you have previously mentioned in the Introduction section. Avoid excessive direct citation in this section, it is recommended to use indirect citation.

C. Conclusion (1 paragraph)

The conclusion describes the essential points of your thinking (Conceptual Ideas) in the Discussion section. The conclusion must provide the answers of each problem that you have mentioned in the Introduction section.


The Bibliography must contain all references used in the Introduction and Discussion sections. The References must be from the newest publication in the last 10 (ten) years (especially for normative and empirical research publications must be the newest one), except for the references regarding the fundamental theories or concepts that are not republished more than the last 10 years. The composition of the bibliography must consist of primary sources (80% or at least 12 references) such as: Indonesian journals (minimum of 8 Indonesian journals are required), International journals (minimum of 1 international journal is required), thesis, dissertation, proceeding conferences. Other reference sources type (20% or at least 3 references) can be books (at least 3 books), online articles, reports, etc. Each manuscript must at least contain 15 (fifteen) references in Bibliography (notincluding list of regulations).



C.  Citations (Quotation) Format

- Every quotation from other sources must use the correct quotation technique (either in the form of direct quotation or indirect quotation) and must be followed by the source of the citation /quotation.

Direct quotation is a quotation that is written exactly the same as the original source, without making any changes at all. A quotation that is less than 5 (five) lines long (short quotation) is inserted into the text in the same paragraph, begins and ends with quotation marks ( “ ), same as the entire previous text, uses 1.5 spacing, and does not need to be italicized.


"A precedent is conceived of as law chiefly because it is binding under stare decisis. Thus stare decisis makes planning on the basis of law more reliable and private dispute-settlement on the basis of law easier. The most salient aspect of this role of stare decisis is the protection of justifiable reliance" (Eisenberg, 2007)

Quotations that are 5 (five) lines or more long (long quotations) must be typed in single-spacing, starting seven strokes from the left margin, and italicized .


"To accomplish the task, other tools are needed besides logic. It is something to show that the consistency of a system requires a particular result, but it is not all. The life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience. The felt necessities of the time, the prevalent moral and political theories, institutions of public policy, avowed or unconscious, even the prejudices which judges share with their fellow-men, have had a good deal more to do than the syllogism in determining the rules by which men should be governed. The law embodies the story of nation's development through many centuries, and it cannot be dealt with as if it contained only the axioms and corollaries of a book of mathematics. In order to know what it is, we must know what it has been, and what it tends to become. We must alternately consult history and existing theories of legislation." (Holmes & Holmes, 2009)

- If in direct citation, you quote text not from the beginning of a sentence or the middle of a sentence in the original source, then at the beginning of the citation it must be preceded by three dots after the quotation marks ("...).


"...material justice is also to be defined by reference to the the concept of rights-albeit in a different way- in that material justice involves the determination of what rights persons ought to have." (Campbell, 1974)

Indirect quotation is a quotation that is not exactly the same as the original. The author only takes the main idea from the quoted source and paraphrases it (re-presents ideas or information from the original source using different words and sentence structure). Sentences containing the quoted idea are written with 1.5 spacing like regular text. The source of the quotation is written directly after the quoted text.


John Austin explained that the law was formed by judges ( Judge) made-law ) must be based on general grounds or reasons for court decisions ( general grounds or reasons of judicial decisions ), detached or abstracted from the specific characteristics of the case being handled (Austin, 1875).

- The writing of the source of the quotation is written in bodynote form with the American Psychological Reference Style standard. Association 6th Edition . Writing citations in this style is required using Mendeley reference management software . Format for writing citation sources: (author's last name, year of publication) .


If you quote the words from a book with the title "Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0" by Lawrence Lessig published in 2006, then the quotation source must be written as follows:

(Lessig, 2006)

If there are 2 (two) authors , then the last names of all authors must be written, and separated by an '&' (and), followed by a comma (,), ending with the year of publication.


If you quote the words from a book with the title" Law, Order and Power" by William J. Chambliss and Robert B. Seidman published in 1982, then the quotation source must be written as follows:

(Chambliss & Seidman, 1982)

If there are 3-5 (three to five) authors, then in the first citation in your manuscript, the last name of all authors must be mentioned, and separated by a comma (,), and before the last author's last name must be put  '&'  and), followed by a comma ( , ), and ends with the year of publication.


If you quote the words from the book with the title "Collecting Qualitative Data: A Field Manual for Applied Research" by Greg Guest, Emily E. Namey, and Marilyn L. Mitchell published in 2013, then the quotation source must be written as follows:

(Guest, Namey & Mitchell, 2013)

In the second, third, and subsequent citations , it is sufficient to just write the last name of the first author followed by '' (et alia), and ends with the year of publication.


(Guest,, 2013)

If there are 6 (six) authors or more , then you only need to write the first author's last name followed by '' (et alia) and ends with the year of publication.


If you quote the words from the article with the tile "Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century" by Jiaying Liu, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Xiaomei Bai, Lei Wang, Qing Qing, Ivan Lee published in IEEE Volume 6 in 2020, then the quotation source must be written as follows:

(Liu,, 2020)

This applies to the first and subsequent citations.


D.  Bibliography Format

The Bibliography contains only all the references that have been cited in the manuscript. The format of bibliography uses the American Psychological Association 6th Edition reference style. It is highly recommended to use Mendeley software as the reference manager. The guidance in writing bibliography is as followed:

1.   Single author in the book

Author's Last name, Author's first name in abbreviation. (Year of publication: yyyy). Book title in italic. Place of publication: Name of publisher.


Dworkin, R. (1986). Law's Empire. Cambridge: Belknap Press

2.   The authors consist of 2 people in the book

First Author's Last name, First Author's first name, & Second Author's last name, Second Author's first name in abbreviation. (Year of publication: yyyy). Title of book in italic. Place of publication: Name of publisher.


Merryman, John Henry, & Pérez-Perdomo, R. (2007). The Civil Law Tradition: An Introduction to the Legal Systems of Europe and Latin America. California: Stanford University Press.

3.   Author is a particular group or institution

Name of group/institution. (Year of publication: yyyy). Title of book (italic). Place of publication: Name of publisher.


Bank Indonesia. (2016). Optimizing Macroprudential Policy to Support the Financial Stability . Jakarta: Bank Indonesia. 

4. Articles in Journals

Author's last name, Author's first name in abbreviation. (year of publication: yyyy). Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, Vol. xx (No.xx or Issue: xx), month, Pages using abbreviation: p. (for single page) or pp. (for multiple pages). doi (if any)


Schauer, F. (1987). Precedent. Stanford Law Review, Vol. 39 (No. 3), February, pp. 571-605. doi:10.2307/1228760 

5. Articles in Proceedings

Author's last name, Author's first name in abbreviation. (year of publication: yyyy). Title of the article. Name of proceedings in italics (Pages using abbreviation: p. (for single page) or pp. (for multiple pages)). the conference's place: publisher's name.


Johnson-Laird, P.N. (2010). Mental Models and Human Reasoning. In Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 107 (43), (pp. 18243-18250). Washington D.C.: PNAS.

6. Chapter in a Book

Author's last name, Author's first name in abbreviation. (year of publication: yyyy). Title of the article. Editor's name (Ed.), Title of the book is written in italics (Pages using abbreviation: p. (for single page) or pp. (for multiple pages)). Place of publication: Publisher's name.


Postema, G.J. (2007). A Similibus ad Similia: Analogical Thinking in Law. In Douglas E. Edlin (Ed.), Common Law Theory (pp. 102-133). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

7. Articles in newspapers

Author's last name, Author's first name in abbreviation. (release date: yyyy, month dd). Title of the article. The newspaper's name is written in italics .


Subramaniam, T., Guy, J., Upright, E., Vogt, A., & Sangal, A. (2022, August 31). Russia's War in Ukraine. CNN World

8. Thesis or Dissertation

Author's last name, Author's first name in abbreviation. (Year of Thesis: yyyy). Thesis or dissertation title in italics. name of university.


Guest, F.D.G. (1991). The Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin. University College London 

9. Articles from Online Sources

Author's last name, Author's first name in abbreviation. (Year of Publication: yyyy). Title of article. Retrieved from website's name.


United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2016). Combating Discrimination Against Indigenous Peoples. Retrieved from, accessed 15th April 2016.

10. Introduction, Preface or Foreword of the Book

Introduction/Preface/Foreword writer's last name, Introduction/Preface/Foreword writer's first name in abbreviation. (Year of Introduction/Preface/Foreword: yyyy). Title of the Introduction/Preface/Foreword (if any). In the title of the book (italic). Place of publication: name of publisher.


Keller, A.G. (1909). Preface. In W.G. Sumner, Folkways: A Study of The Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, and Morals. Boston: The Atheneum Press


E.  Numbering Format

The numbering of chapters and sub-chapters in text body uses a numbering format as illustrated below:

A. ___________________________________________________________________

         1. ______________________________________________________________


                            1). ___________________________________________________





F.   Tables and Figures Format

Each table and figure in the manuscript is numbered with Arabic numerals followed by a title. The table title is placed above the table, while the figure title is placed below the image. The distance between the number and title with the table is 1 (one) space. Tables or figures must be mentioned and analyzed in the previous or following text paragraph. The Figures must be a clear image and in a good quality (not grainy, pixelated or blurry): it must meet high-resolution image standards with a minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch). Table should not contain vertical lines, while horizontal lines are allowed but only on rows that are needed to be separated.

Example :



Guideline for Online Submission

Author should first register as Author Role in Online Submission Menu. Please Click [GO TO REGISTRATION]

The author should fill the registration form as detail as possible where the star marked form must be filled with the required data/information. After all columns in registration form has been filled, Author clicks on “Register” button to proceed with the registration. Move to the next interface, in the online author submission section, Author must click on “New Submission”. In the Start a New Submission section, please click on “’Click Here’: to move to the step one of the five-step submission process”. The five steps in the online submission process are as follows:

  1. Step 1 - Starting the Submission: Select the appropriate section of the journal, i.e. Original Research Articles, Review Article, Short Communication, or Letter to Editor. Thus, the author must check-mark on the submission checklists. An author should type or copy-paste the texts of Covering Letter in Letter to Editor.
  2. Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: Upload your manuscript in Microsoft Word file (do not upload as PDF file), by clicking 'Browse' on the Upload submission file column and choose the manuscript file (.docx) in your computer directory, then click "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded sucessfully. NOTE: Do not upload a cover letter and other supplementary files here.
  3. Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: In this step, detail authors metadata must be written correctly with the complete details (do not forget to checked list the corresponding author's role in the corresponding author's column section). NOTE: Author must fill all Authors' data here, not only the corresponding author's data. After that, the manuscript title, abstract, keywords columns must be filled by copying the texts from your manuscript file and paste it in the title, abstract and keywords columns.
  4. Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: you can upload your Supplementary file (if any) by clicking on the 'Browse; button, choose the files in your computer directory, and then click on the 'Upload' button.
  5. Step 5 – Confirming the Submission:  Author should do a final check the submited manuscript file in this step. After the final check, please click on the 'Finish Submission' button to finish your submission. The corresponding author or the principal contact will receive a submission acknowledgment email and will be able to view the submission’s progress by logging in to the journal website with the author's account. 

We strongly recommend the authors to always check the peer-review progress of your manuscript, by logging in to your account, and by checking your email regularly after the submission.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published in Jurnal CREPIDO or in other journal. The submission file does not contain the materials that is indicated as the copyright violation (plagiarism).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format. Do not submit in PDF format.
  3. The manuscript format must follow the instructions in our Author Guidelines. Please double-check before make a submission
  4. Please make sure, that the corresponding author's email is the correct email (there is no miswrite letter or mark), and not in the deactivate mode.

Copyright Notice

Copyright of the published articles will be transferred to the journal as the publisher of the manuscripts. Therefore, the author confirms that the copyright has been managed by the publisher (Jurnal CREPIDO).

All the published articles in Jurnal CREPIDO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). 


This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms. CC BY-NC-SA includes the following elements:

 BY: credit must be given to the creator.
 NC: Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted.
 SA: Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.