Bunga Kasih Agyaputeri, Sri Rahayu
DOI: 10.14710/jpk.5.1.17-27


The role of Jakarta is the center of commerce and national government has implication on higher rates of in-migration that leads to increasing price of land and housing due to high demand. For people who can not afford a decent place to live forced to live in illegal settlements and slums, such as illustrated in the edge of Pluit reservoir. Therefore, the government implemented a program of normalization reservoir to reduce the risk of flooding in Jakarta. Here, the community of this neighbourhood were relocated to the flats (vertical housing) that had been prepared, one of which is located in the Muara Baru. This research contributes on the decision making related to the improvement of urban quality of life by considering a more comprehensive approach in assessing the impact of community relocation. The focus of this assessment is to see change in the quality of life of this community, including their environmental, economic, and social condition. The method used is mixed with a questionnaire to calculate the scores and interviews to clarify the results of the questionnaire and explore the maintenence applied in this area. In addition, a factor analysis was also conducted to determine the factors that influence the changes in quality of life. This research found that the relocation of residents from the edge Pluit reservoir for Muara Baru Rusunawa can improve the quality of life that previously in moderate to good levels. 


relocation; quality of life; Muara Baru flats

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