Ismatulloh Rosida, Dyah Wulan Sari, Amelia Dertta Irjayanti
DOI: 10.14710/jpk.7.1.68-76


Jabodetabek and Sarbagita have the highest worker commuter population in Indonesia. However, Jabodetabek has various and larger coverage of public transport than Sarbagita. This study also analyzes the relationship between the usage of specific transport modes and commuting stress. Multiple logistic regression models have been estimated using data of both Jabodetabek Commuter Survey and Sarbagita Commuter Survey. Using logistic regressions, the results show that mode choices, gender, and travel time have a significant effect on commuting stress. The analysis also indicates that both in high impedance and low impedance metropolitans, car commuting is perceived to be more stressful than non-car commuting. In a condition of restricted mode choices, commuters who use cars have a greater probability of commuting stress. Furthermore, the findings of this study imply limitation of car usage and as an evaluation of the policy of opening toll roads as a solution to urban congestion.


car commuting; commuting stress; logit; transportation mode; urban transportation

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