Produksi dan nutrisi kedelai dengan inokulasi ganda (cendawan mikoriza arbuskular + Bradyrhizobium japonicum) dan pemupukan fosfat

Artha Rizki Anggarani, Dwi Retno Lukiwati, D Wulandari





The use of rock phosphate with mycorrhizal arbuscular fungi and rhizobium inoculation can be an alternative source to replace SP-36 role to increase soybean production. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of dual inoculation (Mycorrhizal Arbuscular Fungi+ Bradyrhizobium japonicum) and phosphate fertilization on dry weight, N and P straw concentration of soybean. The study used monofactor completely randomized design with five repliactions of treatments T0 (control), T1 (RP fertilizer), T2 (SP-36 fertilizer), T3 (mycorrhizalinoculation), T4 (B. japonicuminoculation), T5 (mycorrhizal+ RP), T6 (mycorrhizal + SP-36), T7 (B. japonicum + RP), T8 (B. japonicum + SP-36), T9 (dual inoculation), T10 (dual inoculation + RP), T11 (dual inoculation + SP-36). Parameters measured were seed weight, dry weight, N and P concentration of soybean straw. Data were analyzed by anova and DMRT at α = 5%. The results showed that T10 was non significant different on seed weight with T2. The T10 was higher in N and P straw concentration compared to T2 respectively. The use of RP with single mycorrhizal or double inculation could be recommended source of P to replace SP-36.

Keywords: Dry weight, mycorrhiza, rhizobium, rock phosphate, soybean




Penggunaan batuan fosfat (BP) dengan inokulasi cendawan mikoriza arbuskular (CMA) dan rhizobium diharapkan mampu menggantikan peran SP-36 untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh inokulasi ganda (Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskular+ Bradyrhizobium japonicum) dan pemupukan fosfat terhadap produksi dan nutrisi kedelai. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) monofaktor lima ulangan dengan perlakuan T0 (kontrol), T1 (pupuk BP), T2 (pupuk SP-36), T3 (inokulasi CMA), T4 (inokulasi B. japonicum), T5 (CMA + BP), T6 (CMA + SP-36), T7 (B. japonicum + BP), T8 (B. japonicum + SP-36), T9 (inokulasi ganda), T10 (inokulasi ganda + BP), T11 (inokulasi ganda + SP-36). Parameter yang diamati adalah berat biji, berat kering jerami, kadar N dan P jerami kedelai. Data dianalisis ragam dan uji lanjut Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf α = 5%. Hasil biji dan berat kering jerami T10 tidak berbeda nyata terhadapT2. Perlakuan T10 menghasilkan kadar N dan P jerami nyata lebih tinggi dibanding perlakuan T2. Penggunaan BP dengan inokulasi CMA tunggal maupun ganda dapat menjadi alternatif sumber P yang lebih ramah lingkungan dibanding SP-36.

Kata Kunci: Berat kering, batuan fosfat, kedelai, mikoriza, rhizobium


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