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Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Fokus dan topik publikasi:

  1. Kajian mengenai mikroorganisme dari lingkungan akuatik (tawar, payau, laut, lingkungan perairan ekstrim, maupun makanan fermentasi berbahan baku organisme ikan, udang, dsb.)
  2. Keragaman bakteri, fungi, plankton, mikroalga, diatom, virus, porifera, dan mikroorganisme eukariotik lainnya dari lingkungan akuatik
  3. Penyakit pada organisme akuatik (ikan, udang, karang, dll.)
  4. Metabarcoding dan metagenomic untuk studi keragaman
  5. Pemanfaatan mikroorganisme akuatik sebagai sumber bahan baku obat, bioremediasi, biokontrol, functional food, dll.
  6. Kajian mengenai potensi makro-organisme akuatik sebagai sumber bahan bioaktif
  7. Potensi metabolit primer dan sekunder sebagai bahan baku produk farmaseutika, nutraseutika dan kosmeseutika


Focus and scope:

  1. Study of microorganisms from the aquatic environment (fresh, brackish, marine, extreme aquatic environments, as well as fermented foods made from fish, shrimp, etc.) 
  2. Diversity of bacteria, fungi, plankton, microalgae, diatoms, viruses, sponges, and other eukaryotic microorganisms from the aquatic environment
  3. Diseases of aquatic organisms (fish, shrimp, corals, etc.)
  4. Diversity study using metagenomic and metabarcoding approach
  5. Utilization of aquatic microorganisms as a source of medicinal raw materials, bioremediation, biocontrol, functional food, etc.
  6. Study on the potential of aquatic macro-organisms as a source of bioactive ingredients
  7. Potential of primary and secondary metabolites as raw materials for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical products


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions
Checked Indexed
Checked Peer Reviewed


Peer Review Process / Policy

Artikel-artikel yang dimuat di jurnal ini sudah melalui proses review oleh peer reviewers. Keputusan diterima tidaknya artikel menjadi kewenangan Tim Penguji. Pemeriksaan unsur plagiasi dilakukan oleh Tim Validasi di tingkat program studi, misalnya melalui pencarian di Google Scholar.

The articles published in this journal have gone through a review process by peer reviewers. The decision to accept the article is the authority of the Examiner Team. Plagiarism checks are carried out by the Validation Team, for example through searches on Google Scholar and Turnitin.


Publication Frequency

The Journal of Aquatic Microbiology and Bio-Medicine (JAMMed) dalam 1 volume akan menerbitkan 2 Nomer pada bulan Juli dan Desember. Setiap Nomer akan berisi 5-10 artikel. Artikel disubmit minimal 2 bulan sebelum edisi terbit yang tersedia.

Journal of Aquatic Microbiology and Bio-Medicine (JAMMed) in 1 Volume will publish 2 Numbers in July and December. Each Number will contain 5-10 articles. Articles must be submitted at least 2 months before the available editions are published.


Open Access Policy

Journal of Aquatic Microbiology and Bio-Medicine (JAMMed) adalah jurnal Open Access. Ini berarti bahwa Journal of Aquatic Microbiology and Bio-Medicine tidak membebankan biaya kepada pembaca atau institusi mereka untuk dapat mengakses. Pembaca dapat dengan bebas membaca, mengunduh, dan mendistribusikan, mencetak, mencari, atau menautkan ke teks lengkap artikel. Tulisan yang diterbitkan telah melalui proses penyuntingan tanpa mengubah substansi aslinya. Penulisan konten adalah tanggung jawab penulis dan tidak mencerminkan pendapat penerbit.


The Journal of Aquatic Microbiology and Bio-Medicine (JAMMed) is an Open Access journal. This means that the Journal of Aquatic Microbiology and Bio-Medicine does not charge readers or their institutions for access. Readers can freely read, download, and distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of the article. The published articles have gone through the editing process without changing the original substance. Content writing is the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.