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*Chaviannisa Sagitha Sarosa  -  Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Evi Yulia Purwanti  -  Diponegoro University

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The selection of this topic is affected by the tariff increasement of ciggarette excise tax every year. With the excise taxes increasement annually, it is expected to occur the price increasement also, which hoped will reduce the interest of consumer to buy or consume cigarettes. However, after the pre-survey was conducted, with the increase of ciggarette’s price most of the respondents do not reduce smoking consumption. Therefore, this research aims to find out if the price of cigarettes at current consumption can reduce the amount of cigarette consumption on various characteristics of existing smokers. To that end, this study uses several factors that identify the characteristics smokers to be able to describe variations in the behaviour of smokers who are in Semarang on the price changes.

The results obtained in this study show that, some characteristics of smoker has a different influence of the price of cigarettes rising. The analysis test results show that the ciggarette’s price, the smoker’s monthly income and reasons of smoking were found insignificant to variable total amounts of consumption of cigarettes in Semarang. Whereas the variables the smoker's age, years of smoking and the frequency of smoking has significant effects against total cigarette consumption in Semarang. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the price increase in 2018 have not been able to reduce the number of cigarette consumption in a variety of characteristics in Semarang city.

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Keywords: Cigarette Consumption; Cigarette’s Price; Smoker’s Income; years of smoking.
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