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Loneliness as Depicted in James Arthur's Empty Space

Ayu Sulistyowati  -  Department of English, Indonesia
*Ariya Jati  -  Department of English, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

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This article concerns with loneliness. Loneliness is an unpleasant condition, and the writers are interested in the condition expressed in James Arthur’s “Empty Space”. The aim of the writing of this article is to describe the loneliness as depicted in the song lyric. The writers focus on the cause of loneliness experienced by the “I”, and the type of loneliness experienced by the “I”. The writers use library research to collect data, and they apply a textual analysis to figure out the theme and symbol. The writers adopt the concept of loneliness of Daniel Perlman and Letitia Anne Peplau. The discussion indicates that the cause of the loneliness experienced by “I” is the feeling of emptiness when he had lost his lover. Thus, the emergence of this feeling of loneliness is included in the type of emotional loneliness.

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Keywords: diction, symbol, imagery

Article Metrics:

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  2. Friedman, H.S, Encyclopedia of Mental Health, vol. 2, San Diego: San Diego Academic Press, 1998
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  6. “James Arthur/ Empty Space”. 22 September 2021
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  9. Perlman, D, and Peplau, L, “Toward a Social Psychology of Loneliness”. Personal Relationships: 3
  10. Personal Relationships in Disorder, Ed. R. Gilmour and S. Duck, London: Academic Press, 1982
  11. Perlman, D, and Peplau, L. Loneliness. Ed. Friedman, H.S, Encyclopedia of Mental Health, vol. 2
  12. San Diego: San Diego Academic Press, 1998
  13. Perrine, Lawrence. Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense: The Elements of Poetry, Toronto:
  14. Harcout Brace Jovanovich Publisher, 1987
  15. Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature. London: Lowe & Brydone, LTD, 1953

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