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*Iis Ismawati orcid  -  Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Indonesia
Sri Nofianti  -  Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Indonesia
Hidayat Raflis  -  Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Indonesia
Riva Hendriani  -  Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2021 Agrisocionomics: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian under

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Covid-19 has drastically changed the learning system in almost all universities in Indonesia.
Learning online systems lead to increased expenses for buying internet packages and is thought to have an impact on the food and non-food consumption patterns of students. This research evaluates the consumption behavior of the Politani payakumbuh’s Student College in the context of Covid-19 emergence. The data collection technique used was simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out during July-September 2020, using an online questionnaire, distributed via Whatsapp group. Quantitative descriptive data analysis approach to 474 respondents is obtained, who have filled out the questionnaire. Two respondents have been excluded because the data is incomplete. The results of the study stated that the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on decreasing parental income (85%) and then followed by a reduction in student's monthly allowance (98,5%). The decrease in the monthly student allowance was allegedly due to a decrease in the parents' income. Percentage of students' average monthly allowance at intervals > IDR 500,000 decreased from 42% to 31%. This decrease in student income has an impact on changes in food and non-food consumption patterns. The percentage of food (food, drinks, and snacks) expenditure incline to fall, while non-food expenditure, especially communication costs, rose quite sharply (83%). This research also contributes to supporting the existence of Keynes's classical assumption theory. Practically this study can be used as input for the government in implementing effective learning policies in the New Normal Era.

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Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, Consumption behaviour, Politani Payakumbuh.
Funding: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh yang telah mendanai penelitian PNBP tahun anggaran 2020 melalui Surat Kontrak Perjanjian Nomor 791/PL.25/PL.00.02/2020

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