Spatial Autocorrelation Report

Moran's Index: 0,206292
z-score: 3,471064
p-value: 0,000518
Spatial Autocorrelation Report

Given the z-score of 3.47, there is a less than 1% likelihood that this clustered pattern could be the result of random chance.

Global Moran's I Summary
Moran's Index: 0,206292
Expected Index: -0,031250
Variance: 0,004683
z-score: 3,471064
p-value: 0,000518
Dataset Information
Input Feature Class: 5208
Input Field: PERSEN_MIS
Conceptualization: INVERSE_DISTANCE
Distance Method: EUCLIDEAN
Row Standardization: False
Distance Threshold: 0,083505 Degrees
Weights Matrix File: None
Selection Set: False