Analyze of Frequency Selective Surfaces By Hybrid MOM-PO-GTD Method
The intent of this article is to analyze the Diraction phenomena of the incoming wave
and provide a new Approach for analyzing the frequency selective surface (Fss) by using
a hybrid method combining Moment Method (MoM), optical physics (PO) with General
theory of Diraction (GTD). the frequency selective surface (Fss) is a periodic surface
with identical two-dimensional arrays of elements arranged on a substrate dielectric. An
incoming plane wave will either be transmitted (bandwidth) or re ected (stopband),
completely or partially, depending on the nature of the array element. This happens
when the frequency of the electromagnetic (EM) wave correspond with the resonant
frequency of the FSS elements. Hence, in free space, and for a certain frequency range,
an FSS is capable of transmitting or blocking EM waves; therefore, identied as spa-
tial lters. Today, FSSs have been extensively studied and there is tremendous growth
in its design and implementation for dierent applications at the microwave to optical
frequency ranges. In this review article, we present a new hybrid method form on Mo-
ment method and GTD for analyzing dierent categories of FSS based on the design of
the structure, the array elements used, and applications. We also focus on the eects
of diraction, methodology, experimental verications of design examples, as well as
on prospects and challenges, particularly in the microwave regime. We highlight their
important performance metrics, especially with regard to progress in this area could
facilitate advanced electromagnetic innovation.
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